Ladies please, which term do you find is more offensive, or do you really care?
do you find eigher term can be funny?
any other thoughts?
please vote.. thanks
Don't really care, I think both of them are funny. IFFFFF I had to pick one that might be 'more offensive' it would be hooktard, implying all us hookers are dumb. But some of us are LOL...so, nah. Don't care either way.
ha..... yay..... I voted for majority " do not care" .... I don`t think they are offensive per se, it`s all what you contribute to the word out of a particular social context. For me it`s similar to the word "Slut". Can be offensive if you are conservative, can be a medal of honour if you participate in the alternative lifestyle ;-). Depends. I find hooktard funny, have never heard that word before I came to eccie ;-))
I never heard of hooktard either, until I came to Eccie, as well. But it is a funny word LOL.
Wordsmith's Avatar
What offends me is your spelling.
I use hooker with my friends, as a funny term..... But it can be used in a negative connotation as well.... All depends on who its coming from and their context..... I hate to use this word at all but I think it is similar the the n word..... Only those of us it applies to can use it.... If you don't know me and we're not friends and you say it it will automatically be a bad thing.
Context plays a HUGE role in giving a word a negative or positive connotation. Among many women words like 'hooker' 'cunt' or 'bitch' are interchangeable with other words of endearment. Among stranger, those same words could spark WWIII.

out of hooker and hooktard, i think hooktard would be most offensive. I for one, find both words funny. Truth is... some hookers really are freakin stupid! Not all of then though.
cumalot's Avatar
What offends me is your spelling. Originally Posted by Wordsmith
I agree wordsmith, there is no charge for spell checks. Why not use it jonball?....
4karlos's Avatar
It all depends on what is your intention and context when you say any of the words. I can call my wife or daughter bitch/slut etc.. with cheering intentions related to sport &/or work or other normal situations of life, and it is perfectly ok because they know I am being silly or supportive or trying to trigger some energy.

Note: Some words don't have room for the intentionality swing, whichever it is the situation or context they become a strike against the adressed person. One of those words Retarded/Retard..I find it insulting no matter what. So if Hooktard is a compound of Hooker & Retard then it is definitely a NO NO!
Outdoorsman's Avatar
I have discussed the terms with ladies in my area and seems to me some of them, make distinctions. To me, they all mean the same thing.

Prositute, whore, street walker seem to be the same thing. Ladies claim these are the low lifes in the sex biz, standing on the corner giving $20 BJ's. The ladies I have seen claim to be Escorts, upscale, and Courtesans. Personally, I think it is the same thing - selling their time for money. I think the ladies that make the distinction, do so, to boost their self image or egos. "I am not a whore!" This is the lie they tell themselves in order to alleviate some shame. A lot of ladies do this for two reasons:

1) addiction - to money mostly, who does not enjoy driving around in a paid off BMW? Who does not want the life of pampering, vacations, expensive restaurants, etc. etc. etc. The money is too easy and too good to stop. Although I am yet to meet a woman that admits to this. I have had women tell me they feel trapped in this industry and well to me that equates to addiction.

2) I am doing this for my family and/or kids, it is hard to put kids thorugh school etc. etc. Single mother syndrome.

Each lady that speaks of these things also tends to beleive she is different, but if one were to read reports and studies on the subject, actually those are the two most common excuses for being a prostitute, escort, whore, courtesan, etc. Meaning, she is just like other ladies in this work in many ways.

I do not know if that answers the original question, but I think the question was directed at the providers and not the hobbyiests. I just replied because this is something I find very curious when I speak with ladies and I have done some research, lol.

If I misspeled (written that way intentioanlly) and it offends you, too bad I gotta be me!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
"neither" offend me, I think of hooktard as just a silly label, I am not into name calling/labeling (except when provoked lol) so I seldom use any of the words, ladies, guys etc works for me, I see no reason to use any derogatory label, but that's just me

But just for the record Jonballs, your name offends me, so that's Miss Hooker to you

cumalot's Avatar

But just for the record Jonballs, your name offends me

Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
I concur...ijs
jokacz's Avatar
@Outdoorsman, there is at least one hooktard on this board that will both admit to the money addiction and couldn't care less what you call her. With any luck she may contribute to this thread.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
Sounds like a woman with very healthy self esteem. I would be interested in speaking with her. Hopefully, she will repsond.
  • Paven
  • 05-14-2012, 10:03 AM
What if you're only a partial hooker/hooktard like myself? lol
Is there another term for a partial? LOL You can call me Paven that will work .

To answer one of Outsdoorsmans statements.
I will admit it is addicting for different reasons sure of course the money is great! Being your own boss is awesome! What I find addicting is touring and meeting new people and venturing to places unknown and being able to make money while on these adventures!

Dang back in the real world it would take some time to save up to go on holiday but now I can save up for my tours much more quickly and go on the road every month and come home with cash as well! Most folks come back from holiday brizoke! So doing it this way is fine and dandy with me!