
Recently I have read several post from ladies stating that if they think you are rude or bashing them in any way they will not be ref friendly. I would like to know what others think of this. I personally think no matter what we should respond and not avoid the girl because she said something you do not like. That to me just seems like it is wrong to with hold screening and keeping everyone safe. I am open to other views ....
Ms. Athena's Avatar
This a business and we should all be Pro's here. So why is there even a issue when one provider request a reference from other?? This should be done without at second thought as it is to help us ALL stay safe. Another issue I am having is that I request a reference from one provider and they get upset with the client for seeing someone else...WTF?? He is not your BF, he is client and has the right to choose whom he pleases. Please ladies for ALL our sake's we need to put personal feelings aside and be adult business women here.
This a business and we should all be Pro's here..... Please ladies for ALL our sake's we need to put personal feelings aside and be adult business women here. Originally Posted by Ms. Athena
Hear, hear, sister. I had a provider I saw about 4 times a year in another city.When I asked her for a reference, you'd think she was my wife, the way she went off on me.

Obviously, that was the last time I saw her. This is another good reason to join P411 or TER. I find several providers will accept those referrals without even checking with the provider - a lot less hassle.
I was told that I should basically watch what I say or they would not give me refs. Which is fine in the long run bkuz I can screen. I just thought it was a very messed up mentality to have. Like hey if I don't like you or say something not liked you will not get a reference?? who does that? Just wanted to hear other thoughts on it because safety comes before drama. I would still give them one so why be hateful?
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Damn someone stole my avatar. Originally Posted by MasterBaiter1996
That or I'm seeing double....
IMHO- And from my own experience

I had a lady EMAIL me asking details of a gentleman. I asked her to pm me through eccie or 411 as anyone can make a fake email (like SO) and i refuse to give out information via emails. She got rude and told me "When i guess we have a little problem" and got rude. I dont have to sit and put up with rudeness. I am about safety and i refuse to give out info via an email.

Now.. if some provider comes along and puts all providers into the same group, bashing them because of one bad non reference friendly girl.. then I wont tolerate that either. Why would I help you if youre going to call me a retard whore, skank, or whatever?

You can dislike other girls... and still be reference friendly. Proper ways of simply asking for a reference check. There is no need for name calling. I personally wont put up with it. You can address me like a lady or move on to his next reference. Furthermore.. ill let the guy know that the girl asking is quite rude.

There are also ladies who are so desperate that when you do reference checks.. they will say bad stuff and then run and offer that guy a huge discount to keep them.

There are ladies out there that dont like me.. but are still very respectful and professional when it comes to checking references.

The guys i see know that i am very reference friendly... just be classy about it.
Personal feelings aside, providers should provide references regardless of whether or not they like that provider HOWEVER, in the scenario that you described, I agree wholeheartedly with you Luscious Lacy.
If a provider comes on and bashes certain providers why would the bashed providers help her with references. Don't burn your bridges and you can keep crossing them.