Ladies help me read your ads.

tbone77494's Avatar

Fyi, when you compose an ad and center the text, it makes it difficult to read on a phone. Since lots of your potential clients surf via the relative safety of a hobby phone, align it on the left to help us out.

And please, please, please don't use pastel colored letters and hard to read fonts. It may look great on a big screen with your 20 something year old eyes, but I can't read it without getting a head ache.

Thanks in advance for helping us middle aged dudes find you!

Samcro84's Avatar
Hey tbone great point. In addition I am a visual guy if you do not have pics (even if they cover the face) I will not waste my time.

Fyi, when you compose an ad and center the text, it makes it difficult to read on a phone. Since lots of your potential clients surf via the relative safety of a hobby phone, align it on the left to help us out.

And please, please, please don't use pastel colored letters and hard to read fonts. It may look great on a big screen with your 20 something year old eyes, but I can't read it without getting a head ache.

Thanks in advance for helping us middle aged dudes find you!

T Originally Posted by tbone77494
I am guilty of this. Thanks for the correction.