Wendy Davis redux...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Remember these comments?

She can remember not only 3 things but possibly 4! A marked improvement over the current resident of the Governor's office. She can also speak for more than 5 minutes without repeating herself. She can speak for 11 hours without taking a piss. She's got better looking legs than any other potential candidate. by lostincypress 09/06/13

Don't look now but Senator Davis is developing quite a name for herself. by BigTex, 07/11/13

Shake hands with Governor Davis biytaches! by FuckZup, 07/13/13

BTW, I have already given Ms Davis a donation for her campaign and will do so again! by BigTex, 07/17/13

Oh, I dunno. I tend to agree with you but Perry is out, Abbott is largely unknown and will have to shell out a lot of money in the GOP primary whereas Davis will be unopposed. She's attractive, she's smart, she is well-spoken and she is female. Dismissing her would be a mistake.

She raised almost a million bucks in 2 weeks.

Her next move needs to be something unrelated to the abortion bullshit that the idiots like Whirlytard use to define a candidate with the moderates. We'll see how she handles it. by Timmie, 07/18/13

BigKotex is trending Windy! Tell me something I don't know.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Libtards will vote for her, they love the liars, it suits them so well.
Libtards will vote for her, they love the liars, it suits them so well. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
LMAO oh yah like they have the market cornered on it...That is funny.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Wendy Davis, democratic embarassment and Big Tex hottie, tells her opponent to take a walk in her shoes. Her opponent IS NOT responsible for her current woes and he has been in a wheel chair since he was 26 years old. Talk about insensitivity! (sarcasm and feigned outrage alert) The biggest thing is that her words and actions are coming back to be used against her. In this case by a reporter and not her opponent.

she most likely will, if she hasn't already, deal with the revelation of her lying with the typical dem playbook

claim she's being attacked as a woman
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-22-2014, 11:05 AM
a brand new thread just to bash wendy ... idiot redux.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You're free to defend her.......
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-22-2014, 02:39 PM
You're free to defend her....... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

and you're free to start a new link and continue bashing her ... maybe CC will have mercy and merge them all together
LovingKayla's Avatar
Davis is hilarious. I researched her just in case she might be good. OMG she is bought right down to her $4k shoes. She is one bad bitch. She'll lose but what the hell is the left thinking putting something like that up... I suppose the same thing the Right thought when they put McCain up and then Romney. She is one evil evil bitch. Can't wait to watch her swirl and burn.
and you're free to start a new link and continue bashing her ... maybe CC will have mercy and merge them all together Originally Posted by CJ7

What's your motto? ..... "Independents for Wendy"....
You're free to defend her....... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I'll defend her all day long against idiot fucking dunces like you. I don't care if she wins, don't care if she has no chance at all, don't care if she got her age wrong about when she divorced or whether she lived in a trailer for a month or a year. You can go fuck yourself Admiral. Wendy Davis scares the shit out of you because she's like no other woman you've ever had to deal with in your life. And, the fact that she scares the shit out of you and the other mouthbreathers on here is evidenced by the amount of attention she is getting here on the board.

So...we'll see won't we you stupid braindead motherfucker? She'll either be elected governor of Texas or she won't. And you can bleat and bray and act the ass that you always do...twisting the truth, telling outright lies and repeating the unoriginal propaganda that you read on the RWW websites and try to present as original thought here. Fuck you. Dunce.
I'll defend her all day long against idiot fucking dunces like you. I don't care if she wins, don't care if she has no chance at all, don't care if she got her age wrong about when she divorced or whether she lived in a trailer for a month or a year. You can go fuck yourself Admiral. Wendy Davis scares the shit out of you because she's like no other woman you've ever had to deal with in your life. And, the fact that she scares the shit out of you and the other mouthbreathers on here is evidenced by the amount of attention she is getting here on the board.

So...we'll see won't we you stupid braindead motherfucker? She'll either be elected governor of Texas or she won't. And you can bleat and bray and act the ass that you always do...twisting the truth, telling outright lies and repeating the unoriginal propaganda that you read on the RWW websites and try to present as original thought here. Fuck you. Dunce. Originally Posted by timpage
I'm sure her pussy tastes like "killed" fetus.
I'm sure her pussy tastes like "killed" fetus. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You're an idiot. As usual. Keep it up fucko.
Too fucking funny....what a crazy rant by TrannyTim...

I'll defend her all day long against idiot fucking dunces like you. I don't care if she wins, don't care if she has no chance at all, don't care if she got her age wrong about when she divorced or whether she lived in a trailer for a month or a year. You can go fuck yourself Admiral. Wendy Davis scares the shit out of you because she's like no other woman you've ever had to deal with in your life. And, the fact that she scares the shit out of you and the other mouthbreathers on here is evidenced by the amount of attention she is getting here on the board.

So...we'll see won't we you stupid braindead motherfucker? She'll either be elected governor of Texas or she won't. And you can bleat and bray and act the ass that you always do...twisting the truth, telling outright lies and repeating the unoriginal propaganda that you read on the RWW websites and try to present as original thought here. Fuck you. Dunce. Originally Posted by timpage