Happy no hooker day!

  • Chloe
  • 02-14-2015, 08:29 AM
Because it is just one of the few days a year cheating on the wife is frowned upon for us.
oiwantitbad's Avatar
That is assuming the guys are in a relationship. What if they are just lonely.
Masarati's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
what! in my past as a driver
V day was the best day for outcall
get a piece or two of that candy as they downed the box between calls
plus more than gas cash, would earn the cash for some my time also
LoL, should be a porno, "hooker takes a day off", which escorts do each other. I volunteer to be the camera man.
  • Chloe
  • 02-14-2015, 10:33 PM
Awe I have only had client dates on v-day in the past ......no judgment just a silly joke. Camera man you are on! Hired!