George Carlin on "The American Dream"

I miss George! He was brilliant and always knew how to cut through the BS and tell it like it is.....

This is classic Carlin at his bestest!.....

Highwayman64's Avatar
My all time fav thanks for the post Celso...
  • tw758
  • 02-18-2015, 12:08 PM
I agree my favorite of all time was truly a great comedian
ben dover's Avatar
Miss him... I saw him a bunch of times...... BD
Totally loved this guy! I miss him too!
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 02-18-2015, 06:48 PM
George was always funny.

Not for nuthin... But Celso -- your clip might actually have been Carlin at his absolute worst. I never even grinned.
Tiger -- that clip was Fantastic. And one I had never seen before.
(Thinck Repository for Famous Carlin Clips)
Now... I'll have to go stop my nose from bleeding from all of the beer that just past through it.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Not for nuthin... But Celso -- your clip might actually have been Carlin at his absolute worst. I never even grinned. Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
I agree, some of Carlin's political stuff that was not funny. Maybe not wrong, just not funny. I really liked Carlin, saw him once to great delight, but he wasn't always funny.
Not for nuthin... But Celso -- your clip might actually have been Carlin at his absolute worst. I never even grinned. Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
I beg to differ sir.....
Linck has 34 comments below the transcript and counting, of those who get the message George was talking about and see how far the USA has fallen in just one generation, myself included amongst them! Perhaps you just didn't get it....
34 whole comments?
Carlin was ALWAYS at his best and funniest when he left the politics out of it.

Full disclosure: I "liked" post #8.
And I never do that shit.
cowboy8055's Avatar
I beg to differ sir.....
Linck has 34 comments below the transcript and counting, of those who get the message George was talking about and see how far the USA has fallen in just one generation, myself included amongst them! Perhaps you just didn't get it.... Originally Posted by Celso
I think George hit the nail on the head with that 3 mins.
I think George hit the nail on the head with that 3 mins. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Yup! George nailed it!.....
JohnnyCap's Avatar

Jane Goodall frequently 'nails it'. It doesn't make her funny.

Wow, this apple is a great orange. However, it wasn't the OP who presented it as humor. Rather, it seems the OP prefers the non-funny politico Carlin. More power; that Carlin always turned me off with too much bitter, angry sarcasm thinly veiled as poor wit. More power.
I.htm Originally Posted by Celso
Carlin didn't cut through anything here. Carlin always was the BS..Yeah people at the top are against people getting good educations..Thats just professional complainer bullshit which is all he ever was.. A break room loudmouth who called himself a comedian..

I know a lot won't agree but I don't think Carlin ever said a funny thing in his life and he was supposed to be a comedian,,,IF anyone can post a clip of him actually saying something funny I would like to see it. Just complaining is not funny.

Really easy to be a complainer, everyone can do it..Unless a person has some sensible solutions then I am not impressed.
Well I found Sam Kinison to be pretty damn funny I miss the shit outa him..
A funny outspoken lady that I love and can relate to on sooo freakin many
levels is Roseanne !!

Sorry if im taking this off George..