"A Fighting Chance"

New book by democratic senator Elizabeth Warren. Here are a few facts about her book and why she is a governing individual "of the people, by the people, and for the people."

From her book, "A Fighting Chance"...


Thanks Liz and we want you to run!
This is the real Elizabeth Warren.

Limousine Liberal extraordinaire.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
She is a phony just like most other Democrats. Her heroes are Ted Kennedy and Barney Frank? Puh-LEEZ!
  • shanm
  • 03-11-2015, 11:32 PM
^Here comes the expert authority on phony!

Idiots like you can't tell their ass from their face on their best day.
This is the real Elizabeth Warren.

Limousine Liberal extraordinaire.

http://elizabethwarrenwiki.org/income-and-net-worth/ Originally Posted by Jackie S
Since when did being successful become a bad thing?
New book by democratic senator Elizabeth Warren. Here are a few facts about her book and why she is a governing individual "of the people, by the people, and for the people."

From her book, "A Fighting Chance"...


Thanks Liz and we want you to run! Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Oh, C'mon man. Elizabeth Warren is a total joke. just like her Indian heritage her book is total fiction. Warren ranks right up there with the other former Republicans, like Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden who also left the Republican Party and moved to the Democratic party, because the Democratic party offers unlimited corruption with no accountability.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
New book by democratic senator Elizabeth Warren. Here are a few facts about her book and why she is a governing individual "of the people, by the people, and for the people."

From her book, "A Fighting Chance"...


Thanks Liz and we want you to run! Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Speak only for yourself. I would like to the democrats to do something different. Run an America loving, conservative candidate who has the experience and long term vision to really lead the country by strengthening our military, reducing our debt, and getting this country back on track to properity.

Warren is a joke and the fact that you don't see it....what can I say that you would believe.
getting this country back on track to properity. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JDIdiot, the word "properity" sounds like it might be a term unique to the Idiot Klan, errr a Clan. Please tell me exactly what it is and I will let you know whether I want "our country back on track to" it.

In any event, I am supporting Jim Webb for POTUS in 2016!

Perhaps you and your fellow Idiot's should join me!
Please run Warren, please.
The Warren story isn't my idea of success - all she did was game the Administrative State and skip her way up the government ladder to a very cushy 401K.

Did she create anything? No
Did she employ anyone? No
Did she have any accomplishments in the private sector? No

Since when did being successful become a bad thing? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Since when did being successful become a bad thing? Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Since that evil Mitt Romney ran for President you hypocritical Jackass.
The Warren story isn't my idea of success - all she did was game the Administrative State and skip her way up the government ladder to a very cushy 401K.

Did she create anything? No
Did she employ anyone? No
Did she have any accomplishments in the private sector? No Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Sounds familiar.
The Warren story isn't my idea of success - all she did was game the Administrative State and skip her way up the government ladder to a very cushy 401K.

Did she create anything? No
Did she employ anyone? No
Did she have any accomplishments in the private sector? No Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Oh, but she was a "Professor", (at the tune of $400,000 a year).

Is that supposed to be a big plus? President Obama was also a "Professor".
That speaks for its self.

I doubt Elizabeth Warren knows how to use a can opener.
Oh, but she was a "Professor", (at the tune of $400,000 a year).

Is that supposed to be a big plus? President Obama was also a "Professor".
That speaks for its self.

I doubt Elizabeth Warren knows how to use a can opener. Originally Posted by Jackie S
If you do, poke yourself in the eye with it.
Speak only for yourself. I would like to the democrats to do something different. Run an America loving, conservative candidate who has the experience and long term vision to really lead the country by strengthening our military, reducing our debt, and getting this country back on track to properity.

Warren is a joke and the fact that you don't see it....what can I say that you would believe. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Strengthen our military? Jebus Christ, that's what we need. Give more money to the defense contractors. God knows they're hurting for it. We already spend more than anyone else. More than the next 20 combined. Stop the insanity. How is running us into the ground a sign of love? Is like the battered wife who thinks the beatings are love. Enough is enough.