Debate results

lilylivered's Avatar
I think Brandon did a great job....

elghund's Avatar
No doubt Biden screwed the pooch last night.

No doubt Biden screwed the pooch last night.

elg…. Originally Posted by elghund
At lleast he didn't fuck his daughter on stage last night
Biden answered every question. Maybe it wasn't pretty but he stood there and took every question. Trump chose to attack Biden's responses so he could avoid answering anything related to what his platform or policies might be.
Trump did, of course, remind everyone how skillful he is at lying about anything and everything.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
SUPERTRUMP KO 1 Dementia Joe.

The race baiting transvestites are going to have to throw SUPERTRUMP in jail asap in order to convince their fellow sheep that Dementia Joe is somehow acceptable
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Biden answered every question. Maybe it wasn't pretty but he stood there and took every question. Trump chose to attack Biden's responses so he could avoid answering anything related to what his platform or policies might be.
Trump did, of course, remind everyone how skillful he is at lying about anything and everything. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 06-28-2024, 06:01 AM
Next Best Thing's Avatar
The best remark by Dementia Joe was probably his insistence that no American soldiers have been killed since he's been pretending to be the president.

The scumbag has been trying for years to attack SUPERTRUMP on his feelings about individuals who resort to becoming members of the military.

Flair4Drama's Avatar
Biden answered every question. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
Wow.... even the CNN talking heads are admitting Bidum was a disaster.....

I'm guessing those 16 advisors that prepped him were all DEI hires???
offshoredrilling's Avatar
After last night’s debate, Biden is done. It was so hard to watch him stumble and bumble so often, it was sad.

I invited over a Dem (not the only Dem btw) who doesn’t like Trump at all who is a good friend of mine to my little debate party. And as we all watched with horror, he kept saying….omg this is so bad.

And this after hiding for a full week prepping with 16 advisers.
elghund's Avatar
After last night’s debate, Biden is done. It was so hard to watch him stumble and bumble so often, it was sad.

I invited over a Dem (not the only Dem btw) who doesn’t like Trump at all who is a good friend of mine to my little debate party. And as we all watched with horror, he kept saying….omg this is so bad.

And this after hiding for a full week prepping with 16 advisers. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Now the question becomes…who they gonna replace him with? It won’t be Harris.

lilylivered's Avatar
I look for some catastrophy to occur. You know, start a war by having the CIA blow up some American outpost... Plague worked good last time.... Something to have martial law take over...just for awhile... Then one puppet is as good as another....
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 06-28-2024, 01:14 PM
Want to compliment you political folks.
You all might be the most civil ones {so far} on this SHMB.
The whole debate was a Maga deep fake