Close This Thread

JohnnyCap's Avatar
It is stupid, silly, childish and we shouldn't be discussing it. We shouldn't be allowed to discuss anything in the open. Stop our childish antics and close this thread before something real gets said.

Closing all these threads makes me believe there is far more to the rumor and innuendo than I would suspect were the gossip to make its course. I don't care, I just find myself objecting or suspecting whenever someone says, "We can't even discuss it."

Usually when they yell and slam the door in your face, you've hit a nerve and are asking the right questions.

I wasn't calling that number, fake special or not, but I'm all for open discussion.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Not only is my Internet persona rude, but I'm actually quite annoying to be around.
JB, what will you bitch be next week? I hear there is going to be a shortage on Crisco at Wegmans. I'm sure the local mods will get blamed for that as well. Enough of this silliness! Carry on people!

werent you the guy no less than a year or two that was railing against the thread closings?

there wasnt a goddamn thing a mod could do or say without you jumping in..

poor GP when things arent going his way

the more i think about you have to be the biggest turncoat persona in eccie history

how could anybody take anything you have to say seriously? , much less worry about me

i gotta find me some old

maybe that can be next weeks bitch?
Watch This JC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This means YOU!!
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 10-03-2013, 04:07 AM
Believe it or not, I am still on your side. I still have all the same gripes, but I have learned much better what battles to fight and when to fight them. The battles you guys keep choosing to fight make no sense. Why not pick an agenda that actually means something (and could actually get accomplished) instead of your incessant, useless bitching?
you keep saying im "fighting a battle"

i turn on the screen ,

i read something i believe is CRAP

i enter in my two cents

i can see where it comes off as bitching, thats what happens when your vocabulary is limited and im too lazy to try and compose a shit gets blurted ,,, but not gonna spend all my time compsing novels that are made up with half apologizing

and a disclaimer if the post offends..

and 4 paragraphs of fluff

nope, ....just gonna blurt out whats in my mind before its gone and its on to something else, otherwise you loose the "bitching" yes prob seems

the end of the day , i turn the shit off

nothing like this shit gets "solved" , you keep trying to say im looking to "win" something

whats to "win"?

if something amuses me or gets me to post, than i post

if someone wants to challenge my opinion...they do

if they agree, they say so,,,,,

at the end of the no mod

would never sign up for it cause not interested in "winning"

or a "final say" ...... ill leave that up to the people that seek it

truth is truth as i see it, others may not have that same definition

ok with me

I just pointed out that VL had pa access

because she TOLD me and demonstrated to me

in an open forum, through her own voluntary actions......... some will care about this issue

some wont.......

you want to test the theory

put my single quote and VL single response quote in the national mens lounge
and every mens only acess area on the site

as a poll

and ask two questions

do you think this chick had acesss to [PRIVATE].....yes or no

then let the masses of guys that are objective vote

i think you already know the outcome

i dont look at you as someone that nieve

im sorry, its not that big a deal

and it doesnt take very long to figure it out if your being honest

doubt the poll

bottom line, it has nothing to do with "picking battles" in my case

I comehere as an observer

i guess i could say it would be important to me that the mens lounge area is secure

but a realist enough to know its impossible

not gonna stop me from pointing out when it flagrant

my opinions are gonna error the majority on the side of importance of the guys security
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 10-03-2013, 05:04 AM
I comehere as an observer Originally Posted by JONBALLS
an observer, heh! good one!

You claim you don't care what happens on this board, but bitch about something every day.
You claim you don't use this board to to get laid, but you're here EVERY day.
You make an awful lot of claims, and seem to be really unhappy with everything.
Me thinks this says an awful lot about yourself and why you are really here.

No matter what you say or do JB, I still like you!

I agree with the board being secure. that was always one of my biggest gripes. Unfortunately that is something that is so far out of my control, I have almost lost all will to even fight that battle.
what we gonna do ?

get into a yes you are

no your not?
your as far off as you could be

sorry i got into your girl this time around

as much as you need to divert as an isue about me

its not

at least this time around

was as simple as it gets

post the poll, the truth is in the poll..............the poll ......................yup

.see you on the next issue

i will commend you on your persistance to get this issue behind
dearhunter's Avatar
an observer, heh! good one!

You claim you don't care what happens on this board, but bitch about something every day.
You claim you don't use this board to to get laid, but you're here EVERY day.
You make an awful lot of claims, and seem to be really unhappy with everything.
Me thinks this says an awful lot about yourself and why you are really here.

No matter what you say or do JB, I still like you!

I agree with the board being secure. that was always one of my biggest gripes. Unfortunately that is something that is so far out of my control, I have almost lost all will to even fight that battle. Originally Posted by GP
Most of what you said is utter nonsense.

In the end, you come close to the truth......ijs
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 10-03-2013, 07:20 AM
I am so happy to have your input DH. You are always soooo welcome in upstate ny! heh You are the best!
dearhunter's Avatar
Turn the light on
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 10-03-2013, 07:48 AM
heh ijs
dearhunter's Avatar
or not.......the ride can be so much more fun in the dark
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 10-03-2013, 09:26 AM
Nothing to add... I just needed to close something.