
hand painted.
Any volunteers????????????? : D
Hell I will TOFTT if it would really work
DallasRain's Avatar
lol---cool idea! but do I have to swallow????
daarakan's Avatar
No matter how many I see, the one or two errors completely negate the message and make a joke out of the people. Seriously somebody needs to do something about this. There is a difference from typing a quick message and bringing a sign to a rally (that you have weeks, if not months, of advance notice on) and you know there are going to be cameras. No one at the rally checks signs for obvious misspellings?? I find myself desperately hoping it is a plant or set up. Otherwise, I just don't know.

Buckley would cry.
Reading way too much into it! It was meant to be funny! So laugh a little, will ya?!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
No matter how many I see, the one or two errors completely negate the message and make a joke out of the people. Seriously somebody needs to do something about this. There is a difference from typing a quick message and bringing a sign to a rally (that you have weeks, if not months, of advance notice on) and you know there are going to be cameras. No one at the rally checks signs for obvious misspellings?? I find myself desperately hoping it is a plant or set up. Otherwise, I just don't know.

Buckley would cry. Originally Posted by daarakan
I didn't see any mis-spelling in this posted picture of the sign.

That said, its not uncommon to see slap-dash signs with some spelling errors at rallys.

I think you can prolly tell a grass roots rally from a astro-turf rally just by the type of signs that were made.
I agree with dilbert. I don't see any mistakes in her sign, except for maybe the wrong name. His real name is Barry Sereto.
Who knows if its real or not, but look again. somone=someone
The misspelling makes it even funnier! That could be a new invention, a Sharpie with spell-check! LOL
My bad, didn't notice the E missing.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
My bad, didn't notice the E missing. Originally Posted by rpmsouth

um, no the "o" was missing.

his full name is Barack "Barry" Hussein Obama. Soetero is generally not his last name considering his mother divorced his 1st father Soetero.
I thought the poster was hilarious!
Hey misspelling is an advertising gimmick. It will get your attention. LOL
[QUOTEm, no the "o" was missing.][/QUOTE]
Dilbert, I think you need new glasses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!