Bye bye Craigslist

Looks like Congress just killed the personals section of Craigslist. RIP.
In related news, Youtube is banning firearm related videos and of course there are ever increasing restrictions on speech in just about all spheres of public and private life....its getting to be like fuckin 1984 out there.
No lie there. I got into a heated argument a while back with someone that told me I don't need to own a gun. I told them while you think it's ok with my 2nd amendment being stripped don't whine when the rest of yours go. They laughed, I told them while you're fighting over guns, your first amendment right will be slowly taken away, your 4th (such as police having the right to take your cash and belongings if they THINK you might have committed a crime), and they'll be over riding the 10th amendment first (states rights to prevent federal overreach) to get to those things.
You're not a sheep for recognizing that your rights are being eroded
I'm not calling you Sheeple, I'm calling the people who's heads are in the sand and don't realize what they are giving up, just because it doesn't affect them, sheeple. I'm agreeing!
I'm a very politically active Libertarian who is very concerned about all government intrusion into our lives.
Looks like Congress just killed the personals section of Craigslist. RIP. Originally Posted by Whiskeytime
Uh oh. No more Big Black Cocks for that lonely white BBW.
Uh oh. No more Big Black Cocks for that lonely white BBW. Originally Posted by ClimaxBlues
Hahaha awesome.
I've got a few good memories from Craigslist from back in the day. Sad to see it go
Hawks222's Avatar
CL is how I started in the hobby. Found a black girl in a ghetto who gave the best bbbj I’ve ever had.
CL will just find a work around just as BP did.

People with their heads in the sand? Meh.. I just find a way to profit form them. I learned long ago it's not my role to educate people who are unwilling to be educated.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
TER's USA ad sections, all of Cityvibe and BestGFE ads have bit the dust also :/.
The day we started having secret courts (FISA) that only allowed government lawyers to issue warrants on people who spoke to foreign nationals was when I realized we had lost too many of our rights. Especially when FISA was meant to protect citizens from government surveillance. People will just keep drinking the kool aide though and giving more of their rights away