
The first time I heard the term taint ,was from my highschool football coach.before practice one day he said men,(there wasn't any of that boy shit or kids,we were addressed as men)anyways he says,you know what taint is?we were silent. He said me neither, taint ass and taint pussy.have ing seen only one pussy up close at the time,I realized it was the area between her anus and pussy.lol
Coach was from some podump town in tx.we called him uncle Bob,not to his face.He got us by surprise with that one,he was not a funny man,so it was completely out of character, he was usely chewing are asses out with a frown on his face,so it was an awkward moment. Lmao

Anybody got any taint stories?
Danielle Reid's Avatar
My ex use to talk about taint punches. He would ask "what position do you have to be in to get taint punched?"
My favorite taint pic involves a lady on a bed, on her knees, and her face down on the bed and turned to the side while one hand is reaching under opening her pussy lips with her index and middle finger. And a look on her face like she is just begging and hurting for a fat cock in her pussy. Dani, if you would like to post pics like that or send them to my phone directly, they would be most appreciated. Same goes for you Baby D(if you read this). I know im mexican and you hate my kind but whatever. I still like you cause Jeebus said to love everyone.
good christians are everywhere
Danielle Reid's Avatar
My favorite taint pic involves a lady on a bed, on her knees, and her face down on the bed and turned to the side while one hand is reaching under opening her pussy lips with her index and middle finger. And a look on her face like she is just begging and hurting for a fat cock in her pussy. Dani, if you would like to post pics like that or send them to my phone directly, they would be most appreciated. Same goes for you Baby D(if you read this). I know im mexican and you hate my kind but whatever. I still like you cause Jeebus said to love everyone. Originally Posted by Iridemhard
I'm sure I can come up with a photo like that for you soon
Want me to write your name on my butt too? (I'm joking about that, I can't physically write anything on my ass that's readable by myself)
You dont have to write my name. A sign that says "rideMEhard" will do.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
You dont have to write my name. A sign that says "rideMEhard" will do. Originally Posted by Iridemhard
I can do that
DallasRain's Avatar
Where's Pyramider? A thread about his favorite subject... And no contribution?
diveguy6's Avatar
The world would stop spinning if we ever saw Ginger taint
I've seen Ginger's taint up close and personal and my head spun, does that count?
diveguy6's Avatar
Absolutely. That brought on a flashback for me lol
Loooooovvvveeee when time is spent appreciating the taint. It takes things to a whollllle different level!!!
P.S. Google the picture of Madonna prepping to lick taint from her high gloss black and white photo shoot.

P.S. Google the picture of Madonna prepping to lick taint from her high gloss black and white photo shoot.

http://peacemoonbeam.typepad.com/.sh...la_madonna.jpg Originally Posted by pudknocker1
I wish Dallass would let me do that to her. Ill keep dreaming i guess. For now, ill just pull up one of her showcase pics and lick the screen on my phone.