How Do You Feel About The Demos Complaining

Rachelina's Avatar
About what happened yesterday when they were MUTE including
SLOW BIDEN concerning Portland and Seattle. BTW..BOTH DEMOCRATIC CITIES.

Talk about RULE OF LAW??
Double standard to me.

Also what's up with these Mail in ballots?


These are the same people who go shopping for food but TOO LAZY and freaked out about going to a Voter site with a machine where you just pull the handle...Like In & Out Burger.

Get off your lazy ass '''Don't go to Walmart..You might catch the virus with pre existing conditions..Overweight,Diabete s,Etc.
Just keep on eating Hot Dogs & Mac & Cheese.

These same people can't wait 2 minutes to cast their REAL vote in the booth because of Covid?
Just NEVER go out of your house.
Also good DEMO leadership taking so long to restore order.

Real joke..

{staff edit- CK-- removed ad info}

Let me wish everyone a wonderful day.

Dorian Gray's Avatar
How about you 1st update your photos that you've been using since Bruce Willis had hair & THEN just maybe we'll talk
Rachelina's Avatar

Nice BIO'''Go

In my head
None ya.
Chaos & String Theory discussions. Making .gif(s) & memes.
Rachelina's Avatar
Better yet...
Change that photo for your avatar OLD MAN..LOL
Put your face on instead..better yet DON'T just too ugly.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
This is not the Political Section and a horrible threAD. Your last threAD is still up.
Rachelina's Avatar
Just keep running..your 9k..?Kind of hard with your boobs.?
Which is a nice attribute.
Seems like your "life" is responding to threads..
Maybe change your profile?

Since you love dogs I'll refrain..
BTW...How old are you?
Can't picture a woman with boobs running.
Lot of bouncing....Huh?
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar

So... you're still at your HOtel room right? I know of some verified handles that will easily pass through all of your desperate screening. How many NC/NS's do you have time for today? And thanks for showing your face, HOtels love that

Good Luck Today...
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Better yet...
Change that photo for your avatar OLD MAN..LOL
Put your face on instead..better yet DON'T just too ugly.
Originally Posted by Rachelina
But.... I'm younger than you

Also your search-fu is weak. My ass is plastered all over this mug

Even I don't fuck w/ Alyssa
Rachelina's Avatar
I're STUCK in Houston..Ever travel?
Ever been to a real beach?..
YOU'RE a VERY BORING 9K MILE...So called runner..LOL..What a joke,What do you weigh?
Run around the Galleria?

BTW...I am newbie friendly..I trust..and you?

Stay stuck in Houston.

Seems like your life is reading threads..LOL
You answer everyone it seems..

Rachelina's Avatar
You should..
Two "Peas in a Pod"

Both have a life READING

BTW..YOUR HAIRY ASS..I think is ugly on the mug.
Rachelina's Avatar
Hey Provider who is only in Houston..Who can't reveal..
Location 9K????
Really Weird
If you have nothing nice to say ABOUT any thread
ZIP it... lol
BTW ...
10,000 POSTS?

Are you real?
Get a life..
Rachelina's Avatar
Not at a Hotel...9K ..That's really weird..Guess your mug isn't that nice 10,000 Posts Lady
BTW..Hosting at my friend's home..

Have any friends would do that or are you just doing HO car dates? LOL
Rachelina's Avatar
Also Handle This...LOL
I don't see "Newbies" from ECCIE...NICE TRY
Only people I have met before..HO HO HO,
Merry X-Mas
winn dixie's Avatar
But.... I'm younger than you

Also your search-fu is weak. My ass is plastered all over this mug

Even I don't fuck w/ Alyssa Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
I'll mess with Alyssa! I aint scared.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Also Handle This...LOL
I don't see "Newbies" from ECCIE...NICE TRY
Only people I have met before..HO HO HO,
Merry X-Mas
Originally Posted by Rachelina

I wouldn't concern myself with anybody in this thread. Houston is well known for members having multiple usernames, perhaps one has already posted in this thread. As far as the hobby goes, ECCIE is dead and only has a few trolls protecting their 'territory', Like the ECCIE 'territory' is a big deal.