Seeking radio station

Some years ago when I was on my way to Kerrville I ran across an ultra conservative, if not radically so, radio station that was called something like "Freedom America" or some name resembling that. It was weird, and at the same time scary that there are enough people who have the big conspiracy beliefs e.g. the credit card conspiracy, to support a radio station.

I have had a hankering to listen to it again but cannot remember where it is or what it is called for even if we can get it in Austin. Any knowledge out there?

As an aside. At this same time there was a woman in R.Rock advertising on BP for an "arrangement" and by that I mean "free stuff" on an occasional basis. I called her and she told me that she had met several guys but they all told her she was "too young" for them. I wondered what was wrong with her that they weren't telling. But the point is that I asked her if she was a cop and she replied that in fact she was not but did work for the police and one of her jobs was to monitor radio stations like the one I am inquiring about, in fact, she was knowledgeable about this one. Just an aside. Never met her.
GneissGuy's Avatar
There are a number of pirate radio stations around. You may hear the Genesis Radio Network on 90.1 in a number of places around Austin. Locations, frequencies, names, associations change frequently to protect the guilty. Many of the pirate stations have very small geographical coverage.

Also look up Alex Jones on the web to find some links, including live streaming. There may be a live stream for Genesis Radio Network or whatever their name of the day is.

Of course, the legal radio stations have gotten so screwy that there's a lot of this kind of crap there, too.
No SHIT....A really cool pirate station showed up the other day (94.3) playing some nice tunes....NO commercials...that should have tipped me there. Then POOF it was Gone.