This is a great spot on article on what it means to truly support our troops.
Unagi,you and I probably don't like Moore for some of the same reasons - he's too caustic. You have to admit, though, that true investigative journalism doesn't make a whole lot of folks happy, and he gets to the heart of the matter.No Sir, I will buy your beer one day. This really doesn't mean much coming from a civilian, but when I have those days where I feel sorry for myself I try to remember the things my father went thru. And remember his words to me once when I think I can't do something or want to give up. He said, "If I could make it thru Vietnam, you can make it thru this." I had to take a journalism class and got up the nerve to ask him about what happened. It still shutter and suspect there are many many things I don't know and don't want to know. BUT, I did have my explanation as to why he was absent emotionally while I was growing up. He was there, but he was not and still isn't. AND FOR WHAT? Sorry, I have gotten way off track and too personal. My apologies and I hope I don't offend anyone.
I was never a fan of the all volunteer army - I read that to mean a mercenary force. A citizen army, when absolutely necessary, is the only way to go, and, actually, is what was the intent of the Constitution and the 2nd Amendment. But the world has changed.
The army of today is an army of economic necessity for the majority of enlistees. Our jobs have gone to the lowest bidders, and rural youth don't have much to look forward to - urban youth, too, for that matter.
BTW, thanks, Scarlett, for your support of this thread. I'll buy you a beer someday... Originally Posted by sundog
No Sir, I will buy your beer one day. This really doesn't mean much coming from a civilian, but when I have those days where I feel sorry for myself I try to remember the things my father went thru. And remember his words to me once when I think I can't do something or want to give up. He said, "If I could make it thru Vietnam, you can make it thru this." I had to take a journalism class and got up the nerve to ask him about what happened. It still shutter and suspect there are many many things I don't know and don't want to know. BUT, I did have my explanation as to why he was absent emotionally while I was growing up. He was there, but he was not and still isn't. AND FOR WHAT? Sorry, I have gotten way off track and too personal. My apologies and I hope I don't offend anyone. Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi