How does it feel internally knowing you are a whore?

Providers please chime in.
Little Monster's Avatar
Well, let me ask you. How does it feel internally knowing that you are a complete fucken Jack Ass? Please respond. I dare you.
Providers please chime in. Originally Posted by FarBeyond
Have you asked your mother?
As long as they are doing it on their own and not forced to, what does it matter? I imagine the majority of the time it's out of necessity, no need to make them feel bad for doing what they have to do.
How does it feel internally? Just pay attention next time you're taking it Greek, that's probably how it feels.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Providers please chime in. Originally Posted by FarBeyond
Now I can see why Cindy told me that you creeped her out and have the traits of a stalker.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Being a whore with FarBeyond is prolly a lot like blowing a hobo for a can of rat stew
Samcro84's Avatar
Not sure why you would ask that? Do you want to treat a person anymore in a negative or disparaging way? I bet ladies can come up with name for you, but you already know that.

Smpslt7's Avatar
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Feels like I'm getting paid....... It's great
Dersieger's Avatar
If I was a provider I'd say "Feels like I've got a money printing machine between my legs"
Then roll up a couple hundreds and shove them in my ears like "La la la can't hear you!"
winn dixie's Avatar
What a total asinine thing to post !! If this is what you think, then the hobby is not for you! Providers know what they do for a living, and for the most part they "own it".. There is nothing wrong with being in the hobby, and what they do. All females, no matter what they do for a living should be treated with respect, and like ladies. Sure there are exceptions, but with your post I hope all providers put you on their dns list.. As you clearly show lack of respect for them. Further more, with the disdain you the op have for these "whores", why are you here? What is your angle? This is probably the most classless timing of a post I have ever seen!!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Well, pard'ner, Ah reckon how tha gals feels internally has a lot ta dew wif tha size o' tha whoremunger's dick. Which is prolly why nun o' them feels ennythang at all whenst Ah's a-diddlin' 'em. Welcum ta club, cumpadre!
nuglet's Avatar
Providers please chime in. Originally Posted by FarBeyond
Probably about $250 better than being a "John" or "whore monger".. just guessing about that.
Very insulting question. Must be a trump supporter