What's your guess?

onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 10-15-2014, 08:04 AM
I got to thinking (I know—dangerous), how many providers are there in Austin? (I'm not counting street walkers in my guess, that would easily push the number much higher) Not just on here, but total that advertise on boards like this, TER, BP, etc? What would your guess be, and is there any stats to substantiate this? I'm just curious, no other point to this. Off the top of my foilically challenged head, I'm guessing an easy 1,000+ (I have no data, just guessing)
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 10-15-2014, 08:50 AM
Tatonka's Avatar
You should just ask Still Looking, he has probably seen them all.
Still Looking's Avatar
3652 and one maybe I'll know by Friday!
Do strippers who sling poon count?
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 10-15-2014, 10:00 AM
Do strippers who sling poon count? Originally Posted by YummyMarie
By careful...you never know how close a poon slinger is to the edge. You don't want to be the one that causes her to jump from the bridge.

Please oh please show more caring,,understanding and humanity to our Hoggars.

Oh...and never question their rates...
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Wif a pop-yew-lay-shun 'round 'bout a millyun an' a half 'twixt San Marcos ta Georgetown, mah guesstimation is 'bout three quarters of a millyun l'il hiefers wuld be providers if'n yer price is high e'nuff an' they kin be a hunnert percent shure thet nobody they knows is a-gonna find out.
illuminati's Avatar
Don't forget the sugar babies.
Bobave's Avatar
Don't forget the sugar babies. Originally Posted by illuminati
Yeah, that has become a way of life for a LOT of people on both sides of the coin, especilly in Austin.
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 10-15-2014, 12:28 PM
Wif a pop-yew-lay-shun 'round 'bout a millyun an' a half 'twixt San Marcos ta Georgetown, mah guesstimation is 'bout three quarters of a millyun l'il hiefers wuld be providers if'n yer price is high e'nuff an' they kin be a hunnert percent shure thet nobody they knows is a-gonna find out. Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
I agree! Several years ago I had a little thing on the side going. We were both married at the time and … well, that's another story, back on track … she once said, "every woman has a little slutty side to her, she may never be bold enough to show it, but she's got it." Who am I to question the woman that was about to give me a great lay.
Bob McV's Avatar
Yeah, that has become a way of life for a LOT of people on both sides of the coin, especilly in Austin. Originally Posted by Bobave
I don't think this is anything new, just has a new name. They used to be called mistresses. I am far from the expert in this area, and would gladly yield to Whispers on any fine point. But I think it would be hard to classify a lot of the "SB agreements" as sex work as there often isn't a direct cash for sex trade. There is a friendship, support, etc on both sides in addition to the money and sex.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 10-15-2014, 06:30 PM
299 on eccie as of tonight. Has fluxed from about 292 to 306 over the past couple of months. Multiply that X5 or more for BP & then the other various sites...I think the 3000-4000 range is a safe estimate
Bobave's Avatar
But I think it would be hard to classify a lot of the "SB agreements" as sex work as there often isn't a direct cash for sex trade. There is a friendship, support, etc on both sides in addition to the money and sex. Originally Posted by Bob McV
Tomaytuh, tomahto
nothingtolose's Avatar
Another interesting guestimation is - how many hobbyists in Austin?

If there are 3,000 providers in Austin, and the provider/hobbyist ratio is 1:5, then 15,000!
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 10-15-2014, 10:59 PM
Heres a fun math project....

Pick the three most dedicated Johns in Austin...

SL is one of course.

Add the other two, and find out how much they spend annually on reviewed girls...multiply that by 10X (most guys rate about 1 out of 10 girls they see)...and see if that number won't buy you a nice house.

Then, while you're sitting there shaking your head at them for being foolish...ask youself if you'd rather be fucking 200-300 pretty girls every year or jacking off in your fucking house?