A year and a half ago I was involved in a motorcycle accident. Fault was never in question, it was his fault.
Settled on property damage quickly, bought a new bike.
Have some permanent injuries that cant be operated on. Nothing life threatening or anything like that, but did leave me with some minor issues to deal with.
Insurance offered a settlement. I balked & kept up the medical treatments. They counter offered. I ain't missing any meals so I just let it drag on cause it wasn't that important. They improved their offer. I said "no mas". Then, 3 months before the statute of limitations expired I said "is that your final offer, because I'm making this a civil issue on November 1st".
Today they settled for 75% more than their initial offer, and 20% more than I would have settled for...final negotiations took 10 minutes, and I might have a date with the insurance settlement agent. Shes pretty cute... She expedited payment, I got my electronic transfer of funds 2 hours after settlement.
Being hard headed & patient has its perks.
No legal costs involved. Represented myself pro se.