moooo! eat more chicken

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

what planet is san antonio on??? picking on chick fil a.....

eat more chicken!, mooo!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Liberal idiots ,,,,,
bambino's Avatar

what planet is san antonio on??? picking on chick fil a.....

eat more chicken!, mooo! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Duke University threw them off campus and NYC also wants them gone.
The zero tolerance policy of the tolerant progressives.
I have two Chick-Fil-A restaurants within 3 miles of my Business.

They ain't hurtin'.
bambino's Avatar
I have two Chick-Fil-A restaurants within 3 miles of my Business.

They ain't hurtin'. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Forget going to the drive thru at lunch at the one close to me. You’ll be there for 30 minutes.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Liberal idiots ,,,,, Originally Posted by rexdutchman
And the owners of Chick-Fil-A are religious bigots.
Great place for ogling MILFs .
The zero tolerance policy of the tolerant progressives. Originally Posted by Joey_Gleet
Bingo. Not only zero tolerance but they'll try to take away your job, business, wealth, social standing and stigmatize you. All in the name of "tolerance." And dont' try to discuss facts. While at the same time turning a blind eye at Muslims tossing gays off roofs.

Forget going to the drive thru at lunch at the one close to me. You’ll be there for 30 minutes. Originally Posted by bambino
The one near me has a contest on how many cars they can serve during the lunch hour(s). They post the results on the marquee. It's many hundreds.

And the owners of Chick-Fil-A are religious bigots. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Why do you say that? Because they are closed on Sundays? Or do you just like calling people bigots?
  • oeb11
  • 05-08-2019, 11:50 AM
Txdot is showing the "Tolerance" of only the DPST propaganda - all else is to be condemned and outlawed.
Particularly those following Christian faith tenets!!!
Fine - Txdot- don't eat at Chik-Fil-A - your choice.

Go to Venezuela - I hear Maduro has lots of fine restaurants available for DPST's supporting his regime.!!!!
txdot-guy's Avatar
Bingo. Not only zero tolerance but they'll try to take away your job, business, wealth, social standing and stigmatize you. All in the name of "tolerance." And dont' try to discuss facts. While at the same time turning a blind eye at Muslims tossing gays off roofs.

The one near me has a contest on how many cars they can serve during the lunch hour(s). They post the results on the marquee. It's many hundreds.

Why do you say that? Because they are closed on Sundays? Or do you just like calling people bigots? Originally Posted by gnadfly

It's in response to Dutchman's statement "Liberal idiots". If he get's to denigrate liberals I get to denigrate religious intolerance.
Hotrod511's Avatar
It's in response to Dutchman's statement "Liberal idiots". If he get's to denigrate liberals I get to denigrate religious intolerance. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Does this mean you are one of them
  • oeb11
  • 05-08-2019, 02:42 PM
So don't buy Chik fil A. Your choice.

The founder closes the stores on Sundays so employees may observe the Sabbath.

They have donated to groups espousing marriage as between a man and a woman.
And have been vilified by the DPST MSM for their views.

To me- Religious Intolerance is opposing and not tolerating one's fellow person's way of honoring God.
Nowhere has Chik fil a or the Founder been intolerant of another religion.
The Intolerance is the DPST refusal to respect a different opinion on any matter.
It is Your Religious Intolerance and proponence of radical Islamic terrorism - including ISIS throwing gays off buildings - that is on full display. Led by Omar and Tlaib - Your DPST Congresspersons.

It is the DPST hatred of Judaism and Christianity, and Buddhism and other religions not radical Islam that is on full display.

Religous Intolerance is part of the Progressive Socialist Platform - and the usual Hypocrisy You are spouting TDG
txdot-guy's Avatar
So don't buy Chik fil A. Your choice.
The founder closes the stores on Sundays so employees may observe the Sabbath.

They have donated to groups espousing marriage as between a man and a woman.
And have been vilified by the DPST MSM for their views.

To me- Religious Intolerance is opposing and not tolerating one's fellow person's way of honoring God. Nowhere has Chik fil a or the Founder been intolerant of another religion.
The Intolerance is the DPST refusal to respect a different opinion on any matter.
It is Your Religious Intolerance and proponence of radical Islamic terrorism - including ISIS throwing gays off buildings - that is on full display. Led by Omar and Tlaib - Your DPST Congresspersons.

It is the DPST hatred of Judaism and Christianity, and Buddhism and other religions not radical Islam that is on full display.

Religous Intolerance is part of the Progressive Socialist Platform - and the usual Hypocrisy You are spouting TDG Originally Posted by oeb11

Cough, Cough, Cough, what a load of bullshit.

If the Chick-Fil-A organization chooses to close on Sundays, speak out against gay marriage, or practice their faith as they see fit it doesn't bother me. If the San Antonio city council chooses to exclude Chick-Fil-A from the airport contract that's their right. They are making a statement about the openness and progressiveness of San Antonio to the LGBT community and those businesses that support them. It's Ken Paxton and the rest of the right wing yahoo's that are too butt hurt to let this go. Their religious liberty shouldn't get in the way of the local city government doing their jobs.
  • oeb11
  • 05-08-2019, 04:10 PM
Quote - "An don't try to discuss facts"!!
The Hypocrisy of railing against the founder of chik fil a to practice his religion, to voice his opinion, and support causes consistent with his point of view is covered by freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

The religious intolerance is yours - DPST txdotguy!!
Typical Liberal Progressive socialist hypocrisy - you only want to stamp out all opinion differing with your own.

Go ahead and boycott chik fil a - that is your right to choose. Not your right to choose for others!!!!