Trump taxes and tweets

Your opinion may differ, for reasonable reasons, but I find the information contained in Trump's tax returns revealing. What year was Art of the Deal published?

What is equally revealing is the president's silence on this matter. He spoke up for a short time and then went quiet. He tweeted more about Bernie Sanders taxes than his own. And this silence follows his own noisy protestations about efforts to uncover his taxes. He has been tapdancing around this tax thing for more than two years, taking potshots at whomever brought up the subject or sought to get at his returns. Now that a decade's worth of them have been presented he has almost nothing to say.
Your opinion may differ, for reasonable reasons, but I find the information contained in Trump's tax returns revealing. What year was Art of the Deal published?

What is equally revealing is the president's silence on this matter. He spoke up for a short time and then went quiet. He tweeted more about Bernie Sanders taxes than his own. And this silence follows his own noisy protestations about efforts to uncover his taxes. He has been tapdancing around this tax thing for more than two years, taking potshots at whomever brought up the subject or sought to get at his returns. Now that a decade's worth of them have been presented he has almost nothing to say. Originally Posted by agrarian
It’s nothing new. Except to those who have not paid attention to President Trump’s very public life for the past four decades.
What is there to say? Why would he say anything? What he pays in taxes is know to all who have a brain. Speculators make much of their money on legal tax manipulation. This is true for buffet, facebook, amazon, google, microsoft, and just about all of the left wing loons.

Please realize that Trump was a professed democrat during this entire period.

The only people who pay taxes in this country are the people who create real value.

I am going to repeat this for effect. The only people who pay taxes in this country are the people who create real value.

If you want more tax money to spend on social programs, promote businesses that create real value. I would point out that these are the specific people that the left wing loons truly hate.
TheWanderer's Avatar
What is your definition or examples of businesses that create real value? I would assume those would be some sort of business that manufacture and sell a product. They have a paid workforce (that pays taxes) and sell a useful or needed product to the public.
Automobile manufacturers could be one, but I have recently learned that they pay little to no taxes themselves as they are able to manipulate the tax laws with line items like plant depreciation and research and development that go against their tax liability and as a result usually obtain huge refunds.
What people are you referring to that the left wing loons hate?
Not arguing with you, I'm just curious.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
What is there to say? Originally Posted by kehaar

New York Times Report on Trump’s Taxes May Prompt Fraud Investigation

David Cay Johnston: . . . I’ve said, and I’ll say again, the only logical explanation for his conduct is that Donald was in the [ ] trafficking business with Joe Wexelbaum. And Donald, if you’re listening, sue me if you think you can prove what I just said isn’t true.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

David Cay Johnson. interesting source.

if this asshole had actual evidence do you think he wouldn't have released it by now?? btw .. correct me if i'm wrong but wasn't Johnson one of the "experts" the MSN used to critique the prior Trump tax info?

yes he was! what?? you thinck we forgot about him and the madcow?

i found this on the

about the fred trump thing. you do know that all of this is so far back in the past even if Trump admitted it he and his family couldn't be charged yeah?

you bloviate much about the law and the constitution. so would you knowingly abridge citizen Trump's constitutional rights just to press old charges that even if proven were Fred Trump's doing?

asking for a friend.


More fake news.

At first the NYT talked about Trump's tax returns.
Then the NYT characterized them as Trump's tax documents.
Then the NYT called them Trump's tax transcripts.

And the next day it was off most websites front page.

President Trump should have the NYT's offices raided by the FBI and sieze their servers.

If you're "distressed" by how much money Trump lost in those years, you should see how much money the New York Times lost.
Your opinion may differ, for reasonable reasons, but I find the information contained in Trump's tax returns revealing. What year was Art of the Deal published?

What is equally revealing is the president's silence on this matter. He spoke up for a short time and then went quiet. He tweeted more about Bernie Sanders taxes than his own. And this silence follows his own noisy protestations about efforts to uncover his taxes. He has been tapdancing around this tax thing for more than two years, taking potshots at whomever brought up the subject or sought to get at his returns. Now that a decade's worth of them have been presented he has almost nothing to say. Originally Posted by agrarian
What information did you find revealing? Trump lost a lot of money during certain years and his companies renegotiated loans and filed bankruptcies. It's pretty much public record.

This is similar to the Dims who shout "We need to know what's in the Mueller report" but don't even bother to pick it up.
lustylad's Avatar
I have recently learned that they pay little to no taxes themselves as they are able to manipulate the tax laws with line items like plant depreciation and research and development that go against their tax liability and as a result usually obtain huge refunds. Originally Posted by TheWanderer
How does one "manipulate" the tax laws? It is what it is. If a company takes an overly aggressive interpretation of what the law allows, the IRS can audit and disallow whatever deductions or exclusions were claimed. Big cases wind up in tax court.

Depreciation and R&D are long-standing and widely accepted expense items. How does one "manipulate" them? Give me some examples that show you even know what you're talking about. Do you know what GAAP stands for?
eccieuser9500's Avatar

if this asshole had actual evidence do you think he wouldn't have released it by now?? btw .. correct me if i'm wrong but wasn't Johns[t]on one of the "experts" the MSN (? MSNBC or MSM) used to critique the prior Trump tax info?

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

No. my dentist is a hot milf Asian woman. i like getting my teeth cleaned.

i'll just tell you now. your game is deteriorating due to lack of substance. you pine for the removal of an evil only a socialist would advocate .. by any means necessary

to you Trump is evil. and i like that! to me .. well .. u know what's cumming..

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Over compensation. I had that very same thought.

"He went on a little misspelling hissy fit when I touched his nerve about his majesty being in the Koch bizz. But I noticed he stopped dancing."

Now, it's just sad.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
And speaking of "lack of substance".

who cares when it was written? weren't you the one that said you can't make the comparison? well you can, and the results speak for themselves. Both Obama and FDR fucked up what should have been a short downturn, no matter how large.

Prove that wrong.

and i don't read any paywall bs. the WaPooPoo does not deserve my donation to their publication.

so post the article in full if you think it really proves anything.

Or not.

BAHAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
And speaking of "lack of substance".

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

I'll take that as a NOT.

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