Biden’s Latest Brain Dead Moment.

HedonistForever's Avatar
Two peas in a pod, both brain dead.
oilfieldace's Avatar
The man has been brain dead for at least 50 years and has proved it each and every year in office. That doesn’t speak well for all those edimacated left leaders on this forum does it. They continue to talk trash about all Trump supporters but for whatever reason it falls on mute ears. I ponder that?
Ripmany's Avatar
I'm brain dead too so no make fun of the brain dead there should not be discrimination against the brain dead
adav8s28's Avatar

The Link speaks for it’s self. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Your link has John Fetterman ahead of Dr Oz by two points. Go Democrats.

Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz is trailing Fetterman 48% to 46%, which is within the margin of error of 4.4 percentage points, in an AARP poll of likely voters released this week.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Your link has John Fetterman ahead of Dr Oz by two points. Go Democrats.

Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz is trailing Fetterman 48% to 46%, which is within the margin of error of 4.4 percentage points, in an AARP poll of likely voters released this week. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Proving, once again, their followers are as brain dead as themselves.
ICU 812's Avatar
Look everyone: Setting aside politics and ideology, President Biden's condition (whatever the specific diagnosis) is a living tragedy unfolding in public view in slow motion. This could be any of us, moving forward in time.

President Reagan went through something similar in his second term. Media reporting is different now, and we are seeing it live every week.

Much the same could be said about Candidate Fetterman.

"Ask not for whoom the bell tolls . . ."
adav8s28's Avatar
Proving, once again, their followers are as brain dead as themselves. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Not as brain dead as Sarah "Air Head" Palin or the Trump worshipers that invaded the capital.

Joe sees dead people.
oilfieldace's Avatar

The Link speaks for it’s self. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Any day Biden speaks he has a brain freeze.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Did you see and hear Joe's speech at a Fetterman rally? To end it Joe says that Giselle ( Fetterman's wife ) will be a great lady in the Senate!

For Pete's sake people/ Democrats, your guy thinks Fetterman's wife is the candidate!!!!

Have you seen Biden go shake hands with people who aren't there?...Silly me, of course you haven't if you don't watch Fox News the only place you'll see the real Joe Biden. Then he turns the other way, hand still out and still nobody there?

You guys complain about the people who support Trump, NO MATTER WHAT! And you do the very same thing with Biden! No matter what he does, no matter what he says, you will not turn on him but wait, just heard on the news that Independents and even Democrats, Black and Hispanic, are turning on the Democrat party in numbers never seen before.
adav8s28's Avatar

For Pete's sake people/ Democrats, your guy thinks Fetterman's wife is the candidate!!!!
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
If that were true, why did Biden thank Fetterman for running for office before he made the comment on Giselle Feterman. You have left out part of video, Counselor. You know what that is called? It's called cherry picking.
HedonistForever's Avatar
If that were true, why did Biden thank Fetterman for running for office before he made the comment on Giselle Feterman. You have left out part of video, Counselor. You know what that is called? It's called cherry picking. Originally Posted by adav8s28

The fact that he thought both were running, kinda makes my point, right?

But thanks for being example number 1, coming up with another excuse trying to cover for Biden just like supporters of Trump did.

And yes, I do know what they would call playing that whole video! Guilty!

But curiously, if you will indulge me, what news channel were you watching when you saw that clip? Trying to figure out if pro Biden channels are showing Biden fucking up.... again.

I think Jimmy Fallon made a joke about it but we can hardly call him a news channel.
adav8s28's Avatar
The fact that he thought both were running, kinda makes my point, right?
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Wrong Counselor. Biden was trying to equate Giselle Fetterman to First lady Jill Biden. Implying she would be a great support system for her husband who he thanked for running. They don't call the wife of a Senator first lady. The talking heads of Fox just tried to blow it up. When Biden addressed Vice President Harris as President Harris, that's a problem but not as bad as the Trumps "Like a Miracle Sars_CoV2 corona virus will just dissapear"
HedonistForever's Avatar
Wrong Counselor. Biden was trying to equate Giselle Fetterman to First lady Jill Biden. Implying she would be a great support system for her husband who he thanked for running. They don't call the wife of a Senator first lady. The talking heads of Fox just tried to blow it up. When Biden addressed Vice President Harris as President Harris, that's a problem but not as bad as the Trumps "Like a Miracle Sars_CoV2 corona virus will just dissapear" Like CNN and you just try to "blow up" what Trump said Originally Posted by adav8s28

Good to know. From now on when Biden says something stupid, you'll be the first person I ask, what he was implying.

And if Trump's "wishful" thinking bothers you, how about Biden's "if you get the vaccine, you can't get or spread Covid", which of course was a lie, a lie it seems he continues to believe to this day. So which is worse "wishful thinking" or lying?

And then when Biden thought that his sister was his wife and his wife had to remind him which was which!!! Oh, my!.