List of conspiracy theories

BigMikeinKC's Avatar
Which do you believe in?

9/11 was an inside job?

JFK was killed by the mob, LBJ, etc.

Monroe was killed by the Kennedy clan?

The moon landing was a hoax.

Area 51 cover up, the Roswell incident.

AIDS is a man made disease to kill gays and blacks?

Elvis and MJ are still alive?
I don't know who killed JFK; but, the idea that Oswald was some idealistic loner (who happened to have spent time in the Soviet Union and had Cuban ties) who shot the president, and was shortly executed by himself by some idealistic loner night club owner doesn't smell right.

I think he was the sole shooter. I think people go down the wrong track trying to look at bullet trajectories...looking at the big picture, somebody else had to be involved.
9/11 was an inside job? Originally Posted by BigMikeinKC

JFK was killed by the mob, LBJ, etc? Originally Posted by BigMikeinKC
I tend to think that it might have been Castro/USSR as a response to the Bay of Pigs or the Cuban Missle Crisis. If the Bay of Pigs would have been successful, then the mob could have moved back in to Cuba and they would have started receiving their revenue from the resorts that were shut down when Castro took over.

Monroe was killed by the Kennedy clan? Originally Posted by BigMikeinKC
No - depression killed her.

The moon landing was a hoax? Originally Posted by BigMikeinKC
Absolutely not.

Area 51 cover up, the Roswell incident? Originally Posted by BigMikeinKC
I don't think there's a cover-up, but I believe there is some form of alien "life" stored under high security somewhere - it may be as small as a virus or as large as a human.

AIDS is a man made disease to kill gays and blacks? Originally Posted by BigMikeinKC
It may have been a man-made disease, but usually those have a corresponding vaccine (sp) so the company that made the disease would make $$$$$ from the vaccine. But, no, I do not believe it was designed to kill any specific group - it's too fragile of a virus.

Elvis and MJ are still alive? Originally Posted by BigMikeinKC
They just went home (see Men in Black)
kcbigpapa's Avatar
I really enjoyed reading DD's take on JFK.

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dirty dog's Avatar
Which do you believe in?

9/11 was an inside job? This one kills me, it is widely touted that GW was the dumbest president of all times, yet some of the same group claim he was smart enough to orchestrate a conspiracy that fooled the american people, the american congress, the american intellgence agencies, foriegn intellegence agencies etc. Give me a break.

JFK was killed by the mob, LBJ, etc. - killed by outfit hitters from Chicago.

Monroe was killed by the Kennedy clan? - Nope died from stupidity

The moon landing was a hoax. - No

Area 51 cover up, the Roswell incident. - No

AIDS is a man made disease to kill gays and blacks? - No

Elvis and MJ are still alive? Yes there out back selling snow cones
(1) 911 Inside Job? Not sure, still up for debates in my pea brain. Did it give "them/government" the prime opportunity to listen to all our phone calls, read all of our emails, bust into our houses, etc all without proper procedure or protocol?? FUCK YES!!!! Say goodbye to Free Will, Freedom and Your Rights and Hello NWO!!!

(2) JFK killed by mob? Uh who knows, who gives a shit. Most likely some insane political freak mostly likely set up by the mob to take him out LOL. LOL LOL (I do believe there had to be a 2nd gun men lol) Have you ever seen that Seinfeld episode with the 2nd spitter? LOL

(3) Monroe killed by Kennedy clan? Hell YES! She was probably getting too emotional & weird (you fill in the blanks with drama & bullshit) as a mistress & was most definitely "taken out" using her own vices to portray a suicide in attempts to cover up a murder scene!

(4) Moon landing was a hoax? You know I am still up in arms about this, but shit I don't know if it came down to a bet maybe not a hoax. Still a lot of me ponders if they fixed that??? "One of these days Alice....Pow, To The Moon!" LOL

(5) Area 51 cover up? FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do some research!!!

(6) AIDS made for blacks & gays? No, I believe it was encountered in other ways (wink, wink), disease discovered by good and "bad" people. Bad people probably worked on ways of using this virus to possibly try to take out a race(s) or sexual preference(s), not just necessarily blacks or gays but anybody & everything. FYI do you know that KU Med does research on monkeys that have SIV. It is the primate version of HIV. I have a friend who works there, and it is super weird some of the shit she tells me about that research. Who the hell knows, if that is true that they intentionally infected others then there are a lot of "bad" people that should be punished because a lot of innocent kids & people have contracted that from blood transfusions due to illness or injury. I am sure there are a lot of parents, family members and friends that would say...NOT FAIR, WE WANT JUSTICE!!!!

(7) Elvis & MJ still alive? Who really gives two shits? I means seriously are they going to find a cure for cancer? NO! Okay let's all move on because neither of these people make or break the balance of the universe LOL.
i812-)'s Avatar
MJ is not dead he just finished his transfomation and will be the next white female america idol winner.

I think but dont recall correctly that the files on JFK will be released in 2012. I beleive that their was a major government cover up! Why seal records for 55 years????
because it was organized crime?? Dont think so.
Well the records/files about Elvis won't be released to the public until 2027. I just watched a show on him the other night, and that's the same feelings I had about their sealed records LOL. Silly really.
dirty dog's Avatar
"I think but dont recall correctly that the files on JFK will be released in 2012. I beleive that their was a major government cover up! Why seal records for 55 years????
because it was organized crime?? Dont think so."

Oh there is government involvment, back in those days it was very common for the CIA to "hire" the mafia to perform special tasks. The mafia was very involved in the Bay of Pigs through the CIA. Two entities, the government and the mafia worked together to kill Kennedy. However, just because the records were sealed for 55years does not mean Johnson was involved, rather i think what we will find is that they were sealed so those involved in the cover up wont be outed at a time where it might harm them.
There is a show on truTV that I think you might like. I believe it is called Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura. The show & him as well are a little silly, but overall you do take away at least a few good pieces of information.
dirty dog's Avatar
BF: I saw it a couple of times, the thing is I am not that big of a conspiracy person other than JFK. Rosewell is not real, at least thats what they told me the last time I was kidnapped by the aliens. Be very afraid of those probes they use LOL.
Mmmm Probes LOL. Yeah like I said it's a silly show
Omahan's Avatar
Two of the above seem wrong to me.

1) I don't believe that Oswald acted alone in killing JFK. I agree with DD that the records would not have to have been sealed if nothing was covered up. The best theory I've heard is that Castro had JFK assinated as payback for two failed US attempts to kill Castro. He may have worked with the mob but more likely he was helped by the Russians

2) Marilyn Monroe. As I understand it several witnesses changed their stories, at least one of them multiple times. I think something was covered up but I have no idea what it was.
BottomFeederKC's Avatar
HardyBoy's Avatar
I seem to remember a few years ago, after Jackie O passed away, a woman came forward claiming to be Kennedy's mistress and it was allegedly confirmed by people who knew the situation. She was the niece (or something) of a mob boss in Chicago. She claimed that a deal was cut where in exchange for calling off his little brother Bobby, they would take care of Castro. Kennedy didn't uphold his part of the deal so they offed him. Anyway, that's my personal favorite conspiracy theory.