What if you meet a provider in public...

john_galt's Avatar
I spend most of my day at KU and so many providers claim to be students; what do you do if you find yourself looking at a provider in the classroom? Or what do you do if you find yourself with a provider who happens to be in your class? Who is a gentleman and who is a troll? Longermonger, please maintain some dignity and stick to the topic.
BiggestBest's Avatar
If there is even a slim chance that anyone else might see it, you do not acknowledge you even saw each other. If introduced, you are polite but minimize the interaction. You can always laugh about it later.

If your provider or client turns out to be someone you know, ackowledge that you know them, reiterate your commitment to complete confidentiality, and give them the option of going forward if you are OK with that.

If it's a relative, or daughter of your best friend, or best friend of your SO, then it gets more complicated. Confidentiality first.
I spend most of my day at KU and so many providers claim to be students; what do you do if you find yourself looking at a provider in the classroom? Or what do you do if you find yourself with a provider who happens to be in your class? Who is a gentleman and who is a troll? Longermonger, please maintain some dignity and stick to the topic. Originally Posted by john_galt
If you have been in retail or a service oriented occupation, you have an excuse for recognizing a face, even if you are wrong. I have said hello to two providers in public and let it go at that. A hug or more would be more than wrong, embarassing or dangerous for both parties in my opinion.

And this would be a good topic for co-ed since it is hobby related....just a thought....

The classroom, court room etc would be a problem. Blackmail either way can become a severe issue in some cases when there is a superior position. Conflict of interest, violation of student rights, misuse of authority, any of these could bring severe future problems for one or both parties in my opinion. And trolling would be wrong in my opinion as well, misuse of authority. Students have been know to try and seduce in the past, Sting has a song about that one - "Don't stand to close to me"

And I do hope your comment to Longer is made in jest, not trolling for ...?
Its happened to me several times. Sometimes I was far enough away from them that they didn't even notice me, and I just moved on. Sometimes its you turn a corner in Wal Mart and bang, there she is in front of you. I don't do anything and just walk by, like she is a complete stranger...since there is always a chance that her kid, SO, friend, whatever is around the next corner.

There are a few strippers who I will say hello to in public, because I KNOW they are fine with it...but if there is any chance it could be a problem, I act like they don't exist in public.
BobsAlias's Avatar
Damn...I need to get out more.
""Damn...I need to get out more"

Topeka is a small town...and sooner or later everyone ends up at Wal Mart. I saw Audrina at a balloon rally...its called Huff n' Puff
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 02-18-2010, 12:12 PM
Being single and dont have SO to worry about, If she acknowledges me I will nod or say hello. Not much more than that.

However I am in the public a lot and meet people every day, Have many people say hello and I have no idea where I met them. LOL
dirty dog's Avatar
You drop your pants and yell remember me? LOL
You drop your pants and yell remember me? LOL Originally Posted by dirty dog
Are we going to need to call you Wayward Junior?????
BiggestBest's Avatar
You drop your pants and yell remember me? LOL Originally Posted by dirty dog
I guess that's better than yelling "look what you gave me".
dirty dog's Avatar
I guess that's better than yelling "look what you gave me". Originally Posted by BiggestBest

john_galt's Avatar
I haven't come across a provider yet in Kansas but in Connecticutt I was walking to the supermarket and almost walked into my favorite SW. She was alone but it was a little uncomfortable until we figured out it was okay.

[Edited to remove comments regarding a minor. Eccie has zero tolerance in this area. Omahan]
N2SEX46's Avatar
Happened to me a few years ago in D. C. while my colonel and I were TDY (temporary duty assignment) away from our regular duty base in Nebraska). My back was turned and she tapped me and said, "Excuse me, but can you point me to the Pesidential Meeting Room........" When she saw me, her face went flush. I was cool and calm and replied, "Jodie (her real name), you're a long way from Kansas City, what brings you to D.C.?" (Though I had a 99% idea). "She said, she was with a group on a tour to the Smithsonian and they were to meet in that room." I immediately turned to my commanding officer. "Sir, this is Jodie, the little girl next door when I lived in K.C." Jodie, Colonel XXXXXX, my C.O." He was the gentleman, smiled and shook her hand, then pointed in the direction where she wanted to go. A few months later, I made an appointment in her downtown KC hotel and made the three hour drive on Friday to spend the night with her. We talked about it and had a laugh. She thought our blue uniforms were police, and she admitted that seeing me was what shook her, that I might be LE. She said I was cool and was relieved when I introduced her to my C.O. She was to meet her client for breakfast, then go up to his room for dessert. Fortunately, I've always been quick on my feet, thus avoided embarrassment. If I see a girl in public. I'll treat her as I would any perfect stranger, but will return a greeting to her if she initiates a hello to me. Just be cool and keep things in gereralities. No one really needs to know anything more than that.
  • dtguy
  • 02-19-2010, 10:28 PM
One time I was at midnight Christmas mass with my mom and a couple of siblings. We were there early and just a few minutes before mass started a provider I had seen recently sat down in the pew right in front of us with her family (I would guess her mom and siblings). We were both looking embarrased but handled it it cooly. Passing the peace was nice.

I saw here a few weeks later and had a good time and laugh.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Most providers I would say act too cool around past customers.

Most do not want to be bothered.

I say, don't waste your time going over there, unless she waves you in.