So what's up with this.........

dirty dog's Avatar
How come whenever someone disagree's with Barry, many of you on this board immediately label them a Republican. I have stated on many times that I am a registered independent, yet I am constantly being thrown in the Republican pile. Does this mean only Republicans can disagree with Barry, should I be expecting a visit from Rham.
Longermonger's Avatar
Did you vote for Obama or McCain in the last election? If you voted for McCain then you voted for a Republican. You shouldn't be shocked if you get treated like one. If you didn't vote then you really don't have a say. Sorry, non-voters can't really be independents.

BTW, where are the Tea Party candidates? Unless they start running for office they're just Republicans.
BiggestBest's Avatar
Trolling again, LM?

I'm a conservative but in the primary I voted for Obama. That's what Independents do: Make the best choice at the time, regardless of party affiliation.
Trolling again, LM?

I'm a conservative but in the primary I voted for Obama. That's what Independents do: Make the best choice at the time, regardless of party affiliation. Originally Posted by BiggestBest
You chose...poorly.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
You chose...poorly. Originally Posted by fritz3552
He said the primary, not the general election.
BiggestBest's Avatar
You chose...poorly. Originally Posted by fritz3552
Have you forgotten who Obama ran against in the primary? Hillary.
This guy has had a free pass from the public and media since day one. If you say his ears are big, you will be attacked. This is the equivalant of saying anything negative about KU or George Brett in the Kansas City area. Remember, even McCain apologized when his middle name Hussein was used at an event before the election? Can't upset Barry and his groupies.
This guy has had a free pass from the public and media since day one. If you say his ears are big, you will be attacked. Remember, even McCain apologized when his middle name Hussein was used at an event before the election? Can't upset Barry and his groupies. Originally Posted by vitokc
I adopted the philosophy of Michael Savage, who heard from the Obama campaign regarding his repeated use of the candidate's "Hussein" middle name. He decided refer to the candidate by his initials. So, similar to the way we refer to FDR, JFK, LBJ and others, we now have BO. That seems appropriate more now than ever!
Have you forgotten who Obama ran against in the primary? Hillary. Originally Posted by BiggestBest
No, I didn't forget. Maybe Hilary's negatives would have been enough to allow McCain to win (shudder - the better of two evils) - who knows?
6ULDV8's Avatar
BiggestBest's Avatar
No, I didn't forget. Maybe Hilary's negatives would have been enough to allow McCain to win (shudder - the better of two evils) - who knows? Originally Posted by fritz3552
So, you didn't want Obama. Or Hilary. Or McCain.

Who did you want?
So, you didn't want Obama. Or Hilary. Or McCain.

Who did you want? Originally Posted by BiggestBest
My first choice was Sen. Fred Thompson, then Rudy Guliani (although I would have had to hold my nose to cast my vote as he is pro-abortion). After Huckabee sank Romney's chances by throwing his delegates to McCain, I really didn't care who won as we'd be in trouble regardless of whether the Dem or GOP won. But, I thought the trouble would have been less if McCain won.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
why mccain we be at war with iran nuked russian & took over well anybody that talk back
john_galt's Avatar
This is why people like Longer make such great camp guards. They don't really think of republicans as real people. Read the first post in this series. Longer would feel right at home making republicans pay for all the real and imagined ills of the world that they (according to him) are responsible for. All tyrants need angry, useful, people who can be convinced to do the dirty work.

It doesn't matter to LM that I voted for Hillary in the primaries and Lieberman in 2004. All he knows is hate. Hate for Bush, hate for this country, and hate for anyone he thinks is republican. God help us all if people like him get power. Of course, we may already be too late.

Oh, LM Tea Party is just a name. It is not a political party though it may it the future. Right now it is a group of conservatives, republicans, democrats, independents, and even a few liberals who think things have gone too far. Come out sometime and join us. See the truth that is not filtered through the media. We will be in Topeka on April 7 and at the Legends park later that week. I hope you don't mind that we frisk you for weapons LM afterall it is always libs who try to kill people like Sarah so we have to watch you.
Omahan's Avatar
This is why people like Longer make such great camp guards. They don't really think of republicans as real people. Read the first post in this series. Longer would feel right at home making republicans pay for all the real and imagined ills of the world that they (according to him) are responsible for. All tyrants need angry, useful, people who can be convinced to do the dirty work.

It doesn't matter to LM that I voted for Hillary in the primaries and Lieberman in 2004. All he knows is hate. Hate for Bush, hate for this country, and hate for anyone he thinks is republican. God help us all if people like him get power. Of course, we may already be too late.

Oh, LM Tea Party is just a name. It is not a political party though it may it the future. Right now it is a group of conservatives, republicans, democrats, independents, and even a few liberals who think things have gone too far. Come out sometime and join us. See the truth that is not filtered through the media. We will be in Topeka on April 7 and at the Legends park later that week. I hope you don't mind that we frisk you for weapons LM afterall it is always libs who try to kill people like Sarah so we have to watch you. Originally Posted by john_galt
Everyone, please keep your comments on topic. LM is not the topic. You can disagree with him or anyone else. You can attack opinions and arguments. You cannot make personal attacks against LM or anyone else here. The first two paragraphs in the quoted post were mostly personal.