dirty dog's Avatar
President Obama's decision to open up off shore drilling in the Gulf, and parts of Alaska is a decision that I can fully support and one which may cause a rift for him with the ultra liberal wing of his party. Good job Mr. President.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
I was going to post a few new topics and you beat me to it on this one DD. Here's a link to an article about this:

Drill, Baby, Drill: Obama Opens Up Offshore Drilling and Exploration

This is not the first decision that Obama has made that the right should be proud. Obama signed into law the ability of those with concealed carry permits to be able to carry in national parks and wildlife refuges.
dirty dog's Avatar
Papa, as I have been trying to tell people I am not a Republican, I am an Independent who is financial conservative and socially moderate. I also believe that when you stand in protest of someone when they do things which you do not agree you must also stand in support of those things that they do that you do agree with.
Flip flops or waffles anyone? Oh yes, setting the table for 2012.
I agree this is the first good decision from this White House. Kudos. However, the reason for this decision is to have the cap-and-trade bill be now being co-sponsored in the Senate by Kerry, Lieberman and Gramnesty gain "bi-partisan" support. What is going to happen when the bill is passed? The Bamster will cave and the restrictions will be put back in place due to "environmental" concerns.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
I agree this is the first good decision from this White House. Originally Posted by fritz3552
Why do you not think law abiding citizens should be allowed to have their conceal carry permits apply to national parks?
Why do you not think law abiding citizens should be allowed to have their conceal carry permits apply to national parks? Originally Posted by kcbigpapa
I have no clue as to what you are referencing. Please excuse my ignorance as to this - please advise.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
I have no clue as to what you are referencing. Please excuse my ignorance as to this - please advise. Originally Posted by fritz3552
My bad Fritz, I was referring to Obama signing into law the ability for those law-abiding citizens that obtained CCW/CCH permits to be allowed to carry in national parks. This legislation is one of the biggest 2nd amendment victories in quite a while.
dirty dog's Avatar
Maybe the Pres is pulling a clinton, by this I mean moving towards the center as Bill did. If so then its possible, that some good things can happen and hopefully there can be some bi-partisan interaction on the hill. While I do not agree with a lot of his far left idea's the last thing I want to see is him fail, his failing only costs me and every other american money.
My bad Fritz, I was referring to Obama signing into law the ability for those law-abiding citizens that obtained CCW/CCH permits to be allowed to carry in national parks. This legislation is one of the biggest 2nd amendment victories in quite a while. Originally Posted by kcbigpapa
Then I stand corrected - it happens when a pole is shoved up my ass. I was not aware of this, and I agree, it's another good idea.
Maybe the Pres is pulling a clinton, by this I mean moving towards the center as Bill did. If so then its possible, that some good things can happen and hopefully there can be some bi-partisan interaction on the hill. While I do not agree with a lot of his far left idea's the last thing I want to see is him fail, his failing only costs me and every other american money. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Actually, his failing will save you money.
I don't think Obama is ready to move to the center just yet...he's been too successful with left of center victories, healthcare being the cornerstone of his success. He will try immigration reform next...and will likely achieve some level of success in giving amnesty to many illegals...he will have at least two republican senators supporting him on this. I think his next project will be cap and trade. He has a few republican senators that will support him on that also. He knows his uber majorities will be diminished after the Nov election, so he is going to have to act fast. Then, after the election, he will have two years to 'move to the middle' in preparation for his own re-election.
dirty dog's Avatar
"Actually, his failing will save you money."

Well I look at it this way, if the country is spending billions of dollars on a project he feels will help us and it has been voted into law, then my wishing it to fail gains what, a waste of all that money. I dont agree with healthcare but it has been passed and it will cost us billions, so to wish it to fail now is kind of stupid, whats to gain from it, the right to say I told you it would fail. Seems like a lot of money to waste to win a pissing contest.
john_galt's Avatar
I hate to rain on your parades but what Barry said was "I will CONSIDER allowing exploration in certain areas". Consider is not the same thing as "I will". I'll have to see him sign something first.
"Actually, his failing will save you money."

Well I look at it this way, if the country is spending billions of dollars on a project he feels will help us and it has been voted into law, then my wishing it to fail gains what, a waste of all that money. I dont agree with healthcare but it has been passed and it will cost us billions, so to wish it to fail now is kind of stupid, whats to gain from it, the right to say I told you it would fail. Seems like a lot of money to waste to win a pissing contest. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Actually, it won't start until 2014 - there's still a small, miniscule, sliver of hope this pile of crap can be reversed. And, yes, if it does start as currently configured, I hope it does fail.