Personally I'm glad to see this post and would like to see others post things they see could use attention in there opinions.
Originally Posted by yourdesire
The TCB aspect of the business is something I find lacking with some ladies unfortunately. If this is a business like what I see many girls talk about here, on Twitter, etc. I think it’s reasonable to be held to a professional standard. I’ve messaged ladies before, doing everything she asks for often days or sometimes weeks in advance, and it goes into a black hole until 45 minutes before my requested appointment time. However by then I assumed she wasn’t interested and made other plans, often after a couple follow up messages which don’t get responded to. In a couple of instances, ladies lost my screening information and I get worried that information is out there floating in the ether. This is a head scratcher because this information is typically sent to them via P411 PM where the only way it gets lost is if it’s deleted.
I’ve also heard that ladies encourage prescreening but when I do, many times with the same providers who ask for clients for prescreening, it gets met with crickets. The only way I get a response is if I set up an appointment which is cool but it’s not prescreening.
It’s a breath of fresh air to see TCB done well and definitely factors in to whether I make repeat visits. Many ladies do this well, fortunately.
Hope this helps!
Edit: As a caveat, all is good if mistakes are made but there’s a good faith effort to rectify the situation. Things happen to everyone and this applies to women who make mistakes and either ignore it or try to turn around on the client. Everyone makes mistakes and a true professional (on either side) owns up to them.