G.O.P = Get Out of my Panties

markroxny's Avatar
While Republican lawmakers across the country work to redefine abortion access, Ohio’s state senator Nina Turner has decided to redefine their party’s acronym. She showed up at a Planned Parenthood press conference at the state house today wearing a shirt that said, simply, “GOP: Get Out of my Panties.”

The new attire is a response to Ohio Republicans’ renewed push to severely limit abortion access for women in the state through a so-called “heartbeat” bill, as well as an upcoming initiative to strip funding from the state’s Planned Parenthood affiliates.
Turner says of her fellow lawmakers, “For the Republicans at the state level to disregard this message is astonishing to me. They are arrogant, they are inebriated with power, and that is exactly what we see going on here.”

It would be refreshing if the Democrats actually believed in individual freedom and responsibility................ ........

But the don't. The Progressive agenda isn't more liberation, but more dependency and collectivism.
Maybe liberals will pass a law making it a crime to have sex without birth control or abortion.....
Unlike the 2010 election that sweep hundreds of GOP lawmakers into offices in local, state and federal elections......Obama's November 6 win was shallow....one office, one man who barely won the popular vote, against a very weak opponent.

By ANDREW KOHUT at WSJ online:
Postelection talk of "lessons learned" is often exaggerated and misleading, and so it is in 2012.

A week after President Obama won re-election, two themes are dominant. First, that Mr. Obama kept his job because key elements of his base—notably young people, African-Americans, Latinos and Asian-Americans—turned out for him. Second, that the growing size of these voting blocs represents a decisive challenge for the Republican Party.

Both points are true, but most observers are overstating the gravity of the GOP's problem. In particular, they are paying too little attention to how weak a candidate Mitt Romney was, and how much that hurt Republican prospects.

Here is what the exit poll found. Mr. Romney's personal image took a hard hit during the primary campaign and remained weak on election day. Just 47% of exit-poll respondents viewed him favorably, compared with 53% for Mr. Obama. Throughout the campaign, Mr. Romney's favorable ratings were among the lowest recorded for a presidential candidate in the modern era. A persistent problem was doubt about his empathy with the average voter. By 53% to 43%, exit-poll respondents said that Mr. Obama was more in touch than Mr. Romney with people like themselves.

Mr. Romney was never fully embraced by Republicans themselves, which may have inhibited the expected strong Republican turnout. Pew's election-weekend survey found Mr. Romney with fewer strong supporters (33%) than Mr. Obama (39%). Similarly, a much greater percentage of Obama supporters (80%) than Romney supporters (60%) told Pew that they were voting for their candidate rather than against his opponent.

Surprisingly, Mr. Romney proved unable to exploit Mr. Obama's biggest weakness: the economy. Seventy-six percent of exit-poll respondents rated the national economy "poor" or only "fair," and just 25% said their finances were better off than they were four years ago. Yet voters expressed roughly equal confidence in Mr. Obama's ability to handle the economy (48%) as in Mr. Romney's (49%).

Mr. Romney was hurt by the perception—reinforced by Democratic attack ads and his secretly recorded comments about the "47%"—that he wasn't for the average voter. With 55% of voters in the exit poll saying they think the U.S. economic system favors the wealthy, a large majority believed that Mr. Obama's policies favor the middle class (44%) or the poor (31%). By contrast, 53% thought Mr. Romney's policies would favor the rich.

Despite their weak candidate, Republicans increased their share of the presidential vote among many major demographic groups. Compared with 2008, they made significant gains among men (four percentage points), whites (four points), younger voters (six points), white Catholics (seven points) and Jews (nine points). Mr. Romney also carried the independent vote 50% to 45%. Four years ago, independents voted for Mr. Obama 52% to 44%.

Republicans can take some solace from these gains. In addition, only 43% of voters this year said they wanted an activist government (compared with 52% in 2008), and 49% continued to disapprove of Mr. Obama's health-care law (compared with 44% approving).

In short, the current American electorate is hardly stacked against the Republican Party. But Republicans should recognize that, on balance, Americans remain moderate—holding a mix of liberal and conservative views. They generally believe that small government is better and that ObamaCare is bad. But the exit poll shows that 59% believe abortion should be legal, 65% support a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants, and a surprising plurality support legalizing same-sex marriage in their states.

Threading the ideological needle with this electorate is vital for the Republicans in the future—and for the Democrats, too.

— Mr. Kohut is president of the Pew Research Center.
markroxny's Avatar
Maybe liberals will pass a law making it a crime to have sex without birth control or abortion..... Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
You don't use condoms when you have sex with providers Marshall?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Mark-rocks-with-pee, this isn't the proper advertising forum. You should post in the "Provider Ads" section in the forum of the city you are visiting, or -- with the advertising lead your using, "you-got-out of-your-panties" -- you should also try advertising on "Backpage" in your area.
You don't use condoms when you have sex with providers ChoomCzar? Originally Posted by markroxcoxinny

I double up when I'm with your daughter.......
markroxny's Avatar
I double up when I'm with your sister....... Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
That wasn't my sister, that was my brother.

That wasn't my sister, that was my brother.

Ooops. Originally Posted by markroxcoxinny

He must have thought I was you......
ck1942's Avatar
Maybe liberals will pass a law making it a crime to have sex without birth control or abortion..... Originally Posted by ChoomCzar
Argue safety, argue freedom. But when voters start passing laws on condoms, it may well be a "slippery slope" (pun intended) to what might come (sic) next...

Is Los Angeles County (California) liberal or conservative?

Condom conundrum: Porn industry ponders Los Angeles County latex law

LexusLover's Avatar
Just say "No" and no one will get in her panties.
LexusLover's Avatar
Argue safety,

Los Angeles County latex law ......... Originally Posted by ck1942
OSHA/Department of Human Services/EPA/Local Health Departments

California votes on the weight/grade of toilet paper ...

.. the rest of the country and nation just puts in place regulations.