How can you tell if another user is a moderator?

sm00th0perat0r's Avatar
So sometimes in these threads people come off as kinda bossy, kinda matter-of-factly, kinda whatta-say-goes kinda shit. Which is fine with me if they're a moderator. But if they're not they might get a piece of my mind.

Unfortunately, I have not figured out how to tell whether a user is a mod. I know some of them by their username. But is there something in their signature that tells me they're a mod?
NYr's Avatar
  • NYr
  • 02-07-2017, 07:54 AM
top of the forums lists the mods for that forum
sm00th0perat0r's Avatar

At the bottom of the home page for the full site.

"View Forum Leaders"

Now is Wakeup in there? No he isn't.

So is he just a bag of hot air? Or is he owner of the site and is about ban me forever?
Wakeup's Avatar
I won't ban you, peaches...the site owners don't like moderators exercising their mod duties outside of their assigned forums, except in extreme cases, like nuclear rule violations. Have no fear, I won't even give you any points...unless you REALLY make it worth my time to do so.