What would make me retire

Indeed, what would make me retire. Probably only one thing....
I would imagine the men on here all have different reasons for being in this hobby.

Some have sexual addictions and they cannot stop...its their drug of choice.
Some want the variety, to fulfill their fantasies...and there is no doubt the buffet that is "dallas" has provided us guys a lot of women that meet that criteria.
Women of maturity, women/girls of youth, professionals, amateurs, women of all shapes, sizes, backgrounds and ethnic origins.
Especially here in Dallas..oh how fortunate we are and have been.

Which brings me to point.
What would make me retire. Probably only one thing....myself.

I had been one of those guys that had been married a long time. One of the countless numbers of people that married far to early, before it was understood what being an adult...a muture adult was.
I didn't think I would ever start down this road...but being involved in a marriage in which sex was for pro-creation and little else....over time I went looking.
I had all types of experiences and was able to see what it was like to really feel honored to be with someone...even if it meant a price.
Good to great sex....for me at least....took a connection. I imagine that is why so many of us want the gfe.
How great is it to be with a woman that enjoys sex as much as you do.
I certainly saw that in some of the ladies here. I never saw it in my wife. So ASPD, then Eccie here I came.

Then it happens.... you find a woman that hits all those buttons. Funny, loving nature, loves to share in the giving as well as the receiving, beautiful, feminine, geniune, affectionate....and while she has other qualities, one that struck me the most..... the rare gift of being able to listen and accept everything about you. How many have that woman you can tell EVERYTHING to.
Yes...even talking about this hobby.

Well finding someone like this probably is one in a million. Which means she is enough for me to abstain from this hobby. To retire.
If you are fortunate enough to find a mate that has all these qualities. Well, I can only speak for myself, but all of those traits..... they are enough for me to have no desire to explore another canvass.

I wish most of you the very best.

To those that provided their services, many of you are priceless.....and to experience your physical offerings were an incredible honor. I truly thank you.
We may continue to read this forum from time to time with interest. It runs the spectrum of being funny and sensual to being ridiculous.
While the lust remains.....it will now be re-directed.

Happy holidays to all and be safe.


pyramider's Avatar
I am glad you found someone but remember all taint has an expiration date.
rxram03's Avatar
Then it happens.... you find a woman that hits all those buttons. Funny, loving nature, loves to share in the giving as well as the receiving, beautiful, feminine, geniune, affectionate....and while she has other qualities, one that struck me the most..... the rare gift of being able to listen and accept everything about you. How many have that woman you can tell EVERYTHING to. Originally Posted by mckinneyman
This would be why I would step away from the hobby. With the exception of one unfortunate circumstance, I've always been a one woman man in my civie life. Will I admire another woman while in a relationship, sure who doesn't but I never act upon it....with the exception of that one time due to the horrid relationship I was in that forced me to do something I never thought I would. If I was to find someone as you describe above I would be gone from the hobby in a heartbeat. But yes, she would have to enjoy sex for what it is and not just as a procreational tool.

Yes...even talking about this hobby. Originally Posted by mckinneyman
Though I would want a relationship where we're completely honest and open with each other, there are some things that should probably never be said. For me it would be revealing my life in this hobby. I can't imagine anyone accepting that their partner once did this.....unless she herself is a freak.

I am glad you found someone but remember all taint has an expiration date. Originally Posted by pyramider
Dude, you changed your avatar. Threw me off for a second.
Hercules's Avatar
Well finding someone like this probably is one in a million. Which means she is enough for me to abstain from this hobby. Originally Posted by mckinneyman
Let me just caution that if you found this certain someone IN the hobby that you take a step back and re-evaluate things.

Other the that. Best of luck to you!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
McKinneyman - it sounds like you are conflicted. You want a companion, but you also want the occasional little bit on the side. Welcome to the world of Bill Clinton, who has it all but just can't resist a beautiful girl when he sees one. Like so many of us - hence, the reason we are cheating bastards. The thing to do is find a beautiful, skinny, mostly lesbian woman who likes to have sex with her girlfriends in front of you to join in whenever you feel like it, or is perfectly happy for you to drink a beer and watch TV, or watch internet porn, etc. If she inherited 3-4 million, that would be even better.
Thanks for your thoughtful post. Perhaps the greater challenge you face is that your mindset is seeking fullfillment outside yourself rather than internally. Perhaps manage that first.
EmilyEzzell's Avatar
Thanks for your thoughtful post. Perhaps the greater challenge you face is that your mindset is seeking fullfillment outside yourself rather than internally. Perhaps manage that first. Originally Posted by outoftheblue
I know I can certainly relate.... Ahhhh....The bane of my existence.
I'm guessing I'm not alone here. We all are seeking something outside rather than inside. It seems the quickest "fix" and helps to avoid dealing with the inner self, if only for a moment.
I think it is hard to take a good look at who is staring back at you in the mirror. Sometimes we don't want to look. We either look at someone else and feel better about "me" or we seek out something external to fill it up, If only temporary.
Yes, Indeed it is a great challenge.

mckinneyman, I remember meeting you when I was new on Eccie. You are a gentleman with class. I appreciate the way you treated me. Thank you.
I wish you well in this new phase in your life.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar

Then it happens.... you find a woman that hits all those buttons. Funny, loving nature, loves to share in the giving as well as the receiving, beautiful, feminine, geniune, affectionate....and while she has other qualities, one that struck me the most..... the rare gift of being able to listen and accept everything about you. How many have that woman you can tell EVERYTHING to.
Originally Posted by mckinneyman
Well it happened to me. My wife. That's her description above. The sex was also incredible for a very long time. Sex with my wife was not only for procreation and there was no limits to what we tried. For reasons I won't divulge, the sex portion went "poof" overnight.

Hence, I hobby. I tend to try to find girls that look and have personalities like my wife. If my wife sex-ability would "come back", I would leave the hobby in a nanosecond.
double07's Avatar
MM, I can empathize with you past experience.
Congratulations and good luck.

Found an interesting article here: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worl...chologist.html
roaringfork's Avatar
A word of warning--something learned in the college of very hard knocks: there is no such thing as a woman you can tell EVERYTHING to.
pyramider's Avatar
Sure there is ... you just have to bury them before they attract flies.
Firstly, Emily thank you for your thoughts. You are one special lady.
Guys, she is incredible as well as genuine.

Second...lol, I did not have to bury her. And I have indeed found
the girl that I can say anything and everything to. Unique, no doubt.
But I also am a believer in respecting those I am involved with
So there would be many things I have no desire to say. That would not be me or my personality.
So it took half a lifetime to find this woman. I knew she would
be over 40 and have the life experiences and maturity that is so appealing
to me.
Gentlemen, there are many lovely women in this hobby...when they let you in you see that.

Again Emily, my thoughts are with you.