Meredith, Sweetest MILF in DFW "Provider of the Day"

Just wanted to say congrats to Ms Meredith.

Anyone who has seen her knows "Provider of the Day" is well deserved by this young lady!

  • Gbfsl
  • 07-31-2015, 07:32 AM
Well deserved!
silverstate53's Avatar
The woman has me wrapped around her finger for sure . Congrats lover !!!
flanker1017's Avatar
Let me weigh in on the congrats too Meredith. You have an effect on everyone you meet.
Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
Congrats Meredith, pretty lady, it was nice meeting you a couple of weeks ago! Enjoy your day!!
Congrats to this wonderful lady!! She is amazing as she is beautiful!! Looking forward to seeing her again soon!!
*Ginger*'s Avatar
I have not had the opportunity of meeting with you*Meredith*have only heard great things,*Congratulations*on your day!!
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I don't know her, but congrats to her! She sounds great and the gents saying she is are credible, and not the type to jump up and advertise for a lady as far as I know. However, I do have questions about how it comes about, being chosen as Provider of the day.

Is it like a popularity contest? Is there a prize other than free advertising for a day? Or, is it a randomly generated computer thing? Cause I've seen a couple that made me'd that happen? Just curious and always wanted to ask when I saw these threads.
Max...however its generated, count on me to sing your praises also!
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Max...however its generated, count on me to sing your praises also! Originally Posted by Doc2078
You are an awesome gent! But I have no intention of sharing that info, cause I'm selfish that way, so don't use me as a ref! LOL. I kid! I kid!

Maybe some one knows and can answer. If it's ever been explained, I missed it. It may be inappropriate to ask? If so, my apologies, but I am curious. LOL No one ever minded telling me to mind my own biz before, on this site, and if it's a secret, I'm happy to.

Either's cool to get a top billing however it's decided! So yeah, congrats again!
silverstate53's Avatar
i hear thru the grapevine that the process weeds out drama queens - but again thats grapevine intel. Only the Eccie gods know for sure.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
i hear thru the grapevine that the process weeds out drama queens - but again thats grapevine intel. Only the Eccie gods know for sure. Originally Posted by silverstate53
Could be. Does that include the curious? If so, then I'm a drama I ask lots of questions. Doesn't every one? See....questions. I always got 'em! Thanks for the grapevine info. I'm sure it's spot on!

I apologize to Doc n Meredith....but I still wanna know the answer. May just have to be one of life's mysteries I'll never get an answer to.....sigh. LOL
pyramider's Avatar
Taint photos should be required of all PODs.
Carolina Girl Holly's Avatar
drama queens so not true, tis our former P.O.D. Florabelle who is now semi-retired/moved lol; queen of drama; not me; I'm so drama-free; drug-free; single and so very sexy; but not like our current p.o.d. who has no thickness or out-spokennness like myself lol TGIF & Cheers
silverstate53's Avatar
Holly i stand corrected and Meredith and I did enjoy meeting you