Im sorry that the young man from Mo. died but really??? Has anyone seen the video of him throwing around that poor store owner? Gimme a fucking break!!!! Live by the sword, Die by the sword!!!!!! That's what I say!!! And I don't think im wrong on this one!!!!!! You reap what you sow!!! PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Im sorry that the young man from Mo. died but really??? Has anyone seen the video of him throwing around that poor store owner? Gimme a fucking break!!!! Live by the sword, Die by the sword!!!!!! That's what I say!!! And I don't think im wrong on this one!!!!!! You reap what you sow!!! PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by autummagick
can you post the link or video of him throwing some poor store owner around?
dallasfan's Avatar
Probably talking about this one...


Note: that is his friend that was the witness of the tussle behind brown.
billw1032's Avatar
can you post the link or video of him throwing some poor store owner around? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I don't have a link, but it has been all over the news (at least on Fox) so shouldn't be hard to find.

So far, I'm on the fence about this one. There are reports that the police officer was severely injured, perhaps to the point of almost losing consciousness. If true, that means that all the "witnesses" marching around with their hands in the air are just covering for the deceased who probably seriously assaulted the police officer. On the other hand, the reports about the police officer's injuries are just leaks and as far as I know not official. That seems kinda strange. I think the best we do right now is wait until ALL the facts are known and then reach a conclusion. Which, by the way, is what Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson should do, too.
dallasfan's Avatar
Think they said the cop had a broken eye socket.

Judging by the evidence and available information, brown was not an innocent, harmless guy and there was reason to shoot him.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Brown is also not "just a kid", he was said to be 6-4, 298 pounds, and was clearly throwing the helpless store owner around in the video..

question remains though: was he stealing cigars, or buying a pack of skittles?
blackmaleindallas's Avatar
Even "thugs" deserve due process and cops or random citizens can't play the role of judge, jury, and executioner. Laws are there to protect the innocent and the guilty.

I think the cop must not have followed police protocol in some way because if it's simply a case of an out of control kid threatening the life of a cop and the cop had to use deadly force, no big issue. But if the cop was shooting at the kid while he was running away or shooting from inside his car or didn't call for back up or whatever the protocol was, then he's in deep trouble. I think that's the reason why we've yet to hear from him, read a police report, or hear calls to/from police dispatch.
Grace Preston's Avatar
The videotapes of the aftermath do not support that the officer was seriously injured. Nobody on the scene was offering aid to him, including paramedics when they arrived. The first person to report his "injury" was a right wing blogger who is an admitted white supremacist.

Was the kid a thug? Most likely. But last I checked, he was still a citizen who is owed due process. Too many cases of shoot now ask later are popping up and this is where the problem lies.
Super Sonic's Avatar
It's "you're" as in "you are".

But, yes this man wasn't some harmless random guy that was harassed by the racist Cop as was first reported. He was clearly accustomed to using his size to intimidate and was apparently stupid enough to try it with an armed Cop. If the Cop was injured, that means there was a physical confrontation of some type, and that means resisting arrest and/or assaulting an Officer of the Law. Either example of gross stupidity can and will get you shot, regardless of the color of your skin.
Diznutz's Avatar
Did you also hear that the officer who shot him had no knowledge of the crime Mr. Brown had committed. It would of been perfectly understandable if he shot him because he considered him the suspect who robbed the store.. But unfortunately he shot him as a regular pedestrian who just so happened to be walking down the street. I understand what your saying but for le to shoot someone for no cause it's unacceptable, no matter race or gender.
Kennedy85's Avatar
dallasfan's Avatar
The cop probably didn't know about the robbery at the store. I think the video does show what type of person you are dealing with in brown.

I think what happened was the cop told the two to get on the sidewalk because they were probably wandering in the middle of the street. When the cop drove up to them and tried to get out of his car, brown pushed his door on him so he couldn't get out. Maybe brown thought the cops knew about the robbery and was going to arrest him. There was a struggle with the cop trying to get out and brown pushing him back into the car. There is an account that the cop had a broken eye socket so brown must have punch him and the cop drew his gun and fired. Brown took off. The chase ensued. Brown turned around during the chase. Raised his hands but kept coming at the cop instead of surrendering. There was 6 shots fired and all shots were eradict so that tells me the cop was getting charged by brown. All shots were at close range.

Did you also hear that the officer who shot him had no knowledge of the crime Mr. Brown had committed. It would of been perfectly understandable if he shot him because he considered him the suspect who robbed the store.. But unfortunately he shot him as a regular pedestrian who just so happened to be walking down the street. I understand what your saying but for le to shoot someone for no cause it's unacceptable, no matter race or gender. Originally Posted by Diznutz
I hadn't seen the video until now.

Gotta say, I didn't see him "throwing around" the store owner. More like pushing/shoving.

Ya see, that is what happens to shit like this: you get opposing sides blowing up the minor details of their perspectives. That creates DIVISIVENESS and no one wants to let go of their overindulged recaps of what their camps actually says occured. Just grab onto the spin and hold on for dear life!

Has it dawned on anyone that this is just a bunch of bullshit meant to distract the majority of people from paying attention to more serious issues going on.

Not saying overly aggressive and corrupt law enforcement aren't a problem for many impoverished neighborhoods all over the WORLD (not just here in the US) but is this really more important than the threat of domestic ISIS cells or the huge influx of immigrants in dire medical need?

Stop giving this isolated issue so much damn press and focus on the things that DO matter - to everyone - despite the color of our skin.
ABC shows alll the old folks-- neighbors etc , on TV peacefully demonstrating during the day but as soon as the sun goes down the day time peeps go to their cribs and the out of towner homies run in with motovols, rocks,masks and guns at the police to do some nice tv looting. I mean are the bloods and crips coming down there cause its another a hot boring st. Louie summer and they need to steal some shit and burn some asian c-stores up?. Unfortunately I'm not sure they even know who MIchael Brown was. Sad state of affairs.
LargeBreastFan's Avatar
I think all of the above shows what little real info we have.