How will Tampon and Timmie explain this...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
but Scott Walker is running ahead of their picks (they caused them to post) for GOP candidate. I'm sure that this is embarassing that they missed the real news. By the way, Bush is not running so good, nor is Trump.

Hey Tampon, I don't think Cruz is trending right now....maybe later.
Also of note is Jen Bush's very high negative rating in this poll!
It is Feb 1 2015.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
How many times have we pointed out that polling is of that date only and have to put up with idiots like Tampon, Timmie, and even EVA ignoring that to smear someone?
gfejunkie's Avatar
Walker is a survivor. He's taken all the shit the libs have thrown at him and come out smelling like a rose.

Not once, not twice, but three times a winner!
How many times have we pointed out that polling is of that date only and have to put up with idiots like Tampon, Timmie, and even EVA ignoring that to smear someone? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It is Feb 1 2015. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
ATTN: we have a "trending" idiot already.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
We will wait and see where the idiots of the republican establishment finally select their boy.
For some reason those people actually believe that by hoisting a democrat light candidate they will win the votes of the fence sitters when in fact they ignore the real base that can get them elected.

Until the Republicans learn to embrace the disenfranchised voters, like the Democrats did with the communists and the socialists, and quit being so fucking narrow minded, they run the risk of losing any momentum they have gained from the total incompetence of Obama. Not only the incompetence but the onslaught of the federal government against the rights of the people that has led us to becoming a nation that no longer accepts the Constitution as our means of control over the government.

Once again, it is imperative that we work at the local precinct level to bring forth candidates that can rise above the establishment to gain enough control that our nation can be restored to the rights of the people and not the over reaching mammoth government.
LexusLover's Avatar
Once again, it is imperative that we work at the local precinct level to bring forth candidates that can rise above the establishment to gain enough control that our nation can be restored to the rights of the people and not the over reaching mammoth government. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
This strategy works on "grass roots" level generation of energy and direction, but to continue with the "grass" analogy the cultivation must be on a calm, focused footing with little fringe and shrill issues being pushed in people's faces. The Mid-Range (independents) have to be enticed on board and not scared away by "trendy" issues that don't have a "dog's" (no pun intended) chance of getting up to bat, much less on base.

That's just the opposite of what "we" have now ... with the goof-ball in there. "Trendy" liberal issues that have turned to shit before his blind eyes.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
ATTN: we have a "trending" idiot already. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Yes and I believe we call him Tampon....or is it Timmie. You'll have to look up their previous posts yourself.
Yes and I believe we call him Tampon....or is it Timmie. You'll have to look up their previous posts yourself. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Looking back at the OP it has J D Barleycorn on it.
I don't have a dog in this fight.

But Woof anyway!

Over and out!
I don't have a dog in this fight.

But Woof anyway!

Over and out! Originally Posted by bigtex
Good for you... It seems ur'a bootlicker feels different. He votes for the Socialists every time and still claims to be a Independent... He'a a Indepentdent Socialist.
Good for you... It seems ur'a bootlicker feels different. He votes for the Socialists every time and still claims to be a Independent... He'a a Indepentdent Socialist. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Whiffy the cocksucker is babbling again. Poster boy for ozombies he votes democratic .