Fake pictures are too much of a fucking problem on backpage. I've basically given up on my home town of Little Rock because a lot of those pictures on there seem fake or have known to be fake. I only know of 3 attractive girls on Little Rock's backpage who continuously use real pictures. Considering that those 3 escorts can retire at any moment and that the entire state of Arkansas seems to have a very low number of desirable escorts, I have decided to start traveling more to surrounding states to make more connections with escorts who keep it real.
Even while I have been browsing Memphis, Houston, Oklahoma City, and Jacson Mississippi's backpage sites, I'm still noticing a high number of what seems to be fake pictures but on the positive side there seems to be a couple of real pictures. I just thought I would give this girl props and recognition for putting a sign in her pictures that displays the day and her phone number. This makes me trust her And I don't think she was exaggerating too much when she said that 90% of pictures on backpage are fake. I wish I was in Jackson now and I would definitely give her a call