House cleaner

At the local watering hole I met a young (24) lady having a drink. In our conversation she explained to me ...with a twinkle in her eye...that she cleaned houses for a living. I know that there are services that do this. She had some time due to a cancellation this afternoon and would love to clean my house. The Captain not being one that loves to clean house felt that this might be a good thing.....she would make some dollars and I would get a clean house. After we finished at the well she rode with me to my abode on the Coast. I showed her my cleaner, 409 and what other tools I had. She got busy and I made myself a Jack and water. I tried to carry on a conversation for a while but that was hard with the cleaner running. She was doing a fantastic job. She finished most of the areas and headed for the bath. It got kind quiet so I walked up to see and found her in the tub sans anything. She was not startled and asked if I wanted to join her. Captain not knowing anything about this woman declined.....telling her that I had to be in Biloxi in an hour or so. She finished her bath and got her clothes togethier, got dressed and I paid her $.50 for her work. Took her back to her car and got a number so I could call when the house was in need of attention. She did a great job and I was pleased with the look and smell of the house...I was pleased with the look and smell of her also but was not willing to take the plunge due to a lack of knowledge. Question is...Has anyone had this type of work done on the coast.? Is this something that is new? Is this a new way of making ends meet for some ladies? Safe? What thinks ye scurvy sea dogs?
Sounds like the Captain should have dropped anchor and unloaded his ballast tank...
Yes sire Jaun it was considered. But Captain likes to have some words of wisdom about the winds and water and how they blow.....and I had none in this squall. I have a contact number to reach her and when find the bilges in need of attention and do a little 1st mate detective work I feel that my main deck will be in need of a good cleaning again. I will be informed before I make the call.
I'll look forward to a follow-up report; the whole idea is both practical and exciting
Captain did you have to much to drink?Or just no wind in your sail? I will be your first mate
No it was not a matter of too much grog. Mainsail still holds a full breeze. Just did not trust the situation and the Captains log had no information in it as to the cleaner of the Capns quarters. I found out today that there are some house cleaning services that in order to make ends meet the deck hands have to do a little work on the side. Some advertise that they clean houses in the nude. That might be interesting see a naked quarters maid running the vac.......I am looking into it and will uncover more information to enter into the ships log.
Cleaning houses is another form of low key supplementary income, as I do this as well.

My question, was she attractive?

I think I would have been a little skeptical with the person that just got through cleaning my house taking a bathe though.
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Nothing like a sexy maid or maids to clean a person's home.

Exactly my thought Madame Parker. She was not a raving beauty as some describe themselves but she was not ugly. I am a scholar of the human condition and I find that there is beauty in most of us...some more than others.... but she was an attractive person and she was well groomed. A clean and manicured person..even though the jeans were not new. Why the bath I am not sure. Did she begin to glow as she cleaned house...she worked hard...or did she just need a bath? Was this her way of advertising that she was ready for biz? All of these things pricked my curiosity bubble and that I guess is the reason that I did not partake. I never fathomed that house cleaning was a way for a provider to addend an income
Well I have learned some about this. Made the call to her and a small child answered the phone. Out of common thought I asked if your mom is in and at that time the house cleaner took the phone. I have scheduled to have my place cleaned on Wednesday. I now know that she *Staff edit* lives on the coast. From our conversation she also has another part time job but works only a few hours a week. I shall have a summry of the house cleaning after it is done. I am looking forward to it.....Blade
dougdoug's Avatar
Look foward to the follow up report.
Sounds like a Penthouse Forum letter which went awry...
I had scheduled a house cleaning for Wednesday. She was to arrive @ 5 PM and get her job done. I got a call from her around 3 and she said that she was short of gas and feared that she did not have enough to make it to my house and back. I live on the coast and it does not take a lot of gas to get from my house to where she lives. My bullshit radar went off quickly. I offered to come get her and she quickly said yes. I did so. When I got to her place I saw a place that was old and not a lot of upkeep was done. It was clean however and not cluttered. *Staff edit* I listened while she told me a sad story about her life and how she was trying to make it but was having a hard time. My busshit alarm went off again. She showed me the disconnect notice for her utilities that would take palce on the next cycle. I looked and there were no groceries in the place. So off we went to clean my house. She did just that. Cleaned it good. She is a real blond. Fuzzy and light bush but not shaven. Not big in the chest department but adequat with very long nipples. Very enthusiastic and smiley...she likes her man time. She spent several hours at my place and enjoyed all of it. So did the Captain. I paid for the house cleaning and made arrangements to have it cleaned again on Monday. Also went to the local grocer and got some pantry stock for her place. I did not ask but she does not want to see a lot of others at this time. She did not give me permission to give her phone out to friends. She does not want to be managed in any form. The Captain feels this: She is not a seasoned provider. She is a single mother stretching out somewhat to make ends meet. She is not a dumb ass...has a high school diploma and started a degree program at Perkinston but had to drop due to finiacial stress. She is evidently a decent mother *Staff edit*. I did tell here about a group of local guys that would be glad to see her (eccie) but she declined....stating that she would do that as a last resort. I did not force the issue as I do not try to make others do what benefits me. So I have a clean house and a glow of satisfaction in more ways than one....No child regardless of circumstance.........will go without food if I know about it If the situation changes I shall post.

Captains Log
HMS Deliah
Victor Blade.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Good reporting, Victor. I was like Mina... a bit skeptical but you seem to have made some progress. I just hope she isn't going to turn into one of those who will start calling you for money. Calling for money all the time is lower than escorting!! She should consider the escort side of things before she starts the begging thing!

She does seem more stable and intelligent than at first.


I hear you speak. I too considered that she was one of those that would start considering me an "easy mark" but I sounded out things pretty good and I feel that she is not scammer...but a real person that is having a hard time. As far as the little lady is concerned I wanted to see that she had some grits and eggs in the house...I will not miss the dollars I spent on that. She has a good head on her shoulders and had the opportunity to "beg" but did not do it. She worked for the cleaning fee and worked for the rest as I see it. She will do the escort thing as a last resort...her words......but is not there at this time. She has other jobs..part time...but they are slim hours at this time......................Vic