What the HELL??

Bobave's Avatar
So a thread was started recently with a poll about Whispers. Similar in spirit to to incessant posts with polls that Whispers has started in the past aimed at bashing an individual or whole classes of hobbyists or providers. Whispers and cohorts found such threads to be great good fun, just as not-cohorts of Whispers found the "anti-Whispers" poll to be amusing.

However, while Whispers threads have typically been allowed to go on forever (mostly from his own sustained bumps), the Whispers poll thread abruptly was closed when Sixxbach strolled in and decided that it had no reason to keep using oxygen. Oh wait, that's right, Sixx has a history of covering Whispers' six...

BAD FORM. Given Whispers habit of bashing people who were banned, he shouldn't receive special treatment in that regard. Sauce for the goose should be sauce for the gander. The rules should be the same for everybody.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Seriously dude. You shouldn't even be bringing that name up right now.

That shit will make your hairline recede.

That shit will give you the hot green apple squirts and a baby with the head of a Minotaur.

Just stop already. Don't invoke the Vengeful Spirits for the safety of the Republic and the love of Christ.
gfejunkie's Avatar
You should just sit back and say "AHHHHHHH".

You know... The sound you make when you slip into a nice, warm tub at the end of a very long day with your favorite adult beverage in your hand.

(BTW, it's known as "selective moderation". Just be glad somebody finally grew a pair and found the ban button.)
nuglet's Avatar
No matter how, or who, banned the "unmentionable", it's a breath of fresh air now.. First time in years that I can read the posts, and not have my blood pressure go through the roof.. He'll be back, no doubt, so enjoy it while you can.. personally, I think it was way past time..
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
sixxbach's Avatar
So a thread was started recently with a poll about Whispers. Similar in spirit to to incessant posts with polls that Whispers has started in the past aimed at bashing an individual or whole classes of hobbyists or providers. Whispers and cohorts found such threads to be great good fun, just as not-cohorts of Whispers found the "anti-Whispers" poll to be amusing.

However, while Whispers threads have typically been allowed to go on forever (mostly from his own sustained bumps), the Whispers poll thread abruptly was closed when Sixxbach strolled in and decided that it had no reason to keep using oxygen. Oh wait, that's right, Sixx has a history of covering Whispers' six...

BAD FORM. Given Whispers habit of bashing people who were banned, he shouldn't receive special treatment in that regard. Sauce for the goose should be sauce for the gander. The rules should be the same for everybody. Originally Posted by Bobave

I seem to recall that I closed a Toyz thread when he was recently banned. I thought since he couldn't respond or defend himself in that thread, there was no point in it being open.

You can look for the thread. I could have posted a link, but thought I would make you work for it.

I guess your rebuttal will be that I was covering Toyz's ass in that thread. First Whispers, and now Toyz? Yawn......

Sauce for the goose should be sauce for the gander? You're really dating yourself there. That gives me flashbacks of the Adam Sandler movie, "Waterboy" where he quotes some old backyard sayings. "Mama said..." Any other sayings you have for us there?

Nope, no special treatment given. .


(BTW, it's known as "selective moderation". Just be glad somebody finally grew a pair and found the ban button.) Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Gotta love our ASPD, ECCIE reject moderator with his insight.

gfejunkie's Avatar
Gotta love our ASPD, ECCIE reject moderator with his insight. Originally Posted by sixxbach
Yes...They do.
I think SixxBach did the right thing here. No sense in keeping it open given the circumstances and the fact that The Dark Lord cannot respond. However, I am confident and hopeful that were he able to, and upon his return to this realm, he would also embrace the new Nilla Nice Movement....

-Nilla (Currently In the Doghouse)
Bobave's Avatar
Yes...They do. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
Yes, we surely do love gfejunkie way more than we do Sixx's sorry lame ass. And I just realized that I left SB off my ignore list. Must correct that oversight.

You others are right. I should just be enjoying the respite, that's the main thing.
gfejunkie's Avatar
I am confident and hopeful that were he able to, and upon his return to this realm, he would also embrace the new Nilla Nice Movement.... Originally Posted by PlainVanillaATX
Interestingly enough, the group "W" bench...

"Have you rehabilitated yourself?"...

Don't count on it, kid.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Jus' yew folks wait. I betcha ol' Whisperola is a gonna start his own hoogar board an' leave eccie in tha dust! Yew know he knows how ta generamahtate site traffic an' innernet ad revenue. He's gonna make ol' Donald Trump look like a durn hobo oncest he starts makin' munny hand o'er fist wif all tha clickbait he cums up wif. Yew know thet dog kin hunt. Why, Ah bet he culd write thet kinda innernet gold in 'is sleep!

An' if'n enny o' yew plays yore cards right, Whisperola mite cut yew in on tha groundt floor as an invesster. Then yew kin jus' sit back an' watch thet ol' dinero roll in! Mark mah werds!
FoulRon's Avatar
It just occurred to me what a nice personality the subject presents during his annual fundraiser. Perhaps we need to find enough causes for him to champion to keep him busy year-round.
Mike Vronsky's Avatar
Thanks for posting this. I was going to post the same. Interesting how the polling was turning out (as usual).

I think that the mods should NOT be able to MOD where they live. They should be made to moderate other areas of the board. But that is my opinion.
  • Noid
  • 06-24-2015, 05:38 AM
Six was, is pretty snarky and petty for a mod. Like Hillary is snarky about Bengazi.
sue_nami's Avatar
noid oh u mean innocent
I agree it has been nice to not see all this clutter in Coed.. I guess when Voldemort comes back, the looney bin will be open again for business.....