Verified Providers vs Rolling the Dice (BP)

mrredcat43's Avatar
This last week I conducted an experiment regarding the Eccie ladies and BP encounters, but out in the middle of nowhere, east of the metroplex.

With Verified providers, I've yet to have a bad experience, and I'm usually very diligent on doing my research on bp encounters. This past week I had extra time and had 4 encounters. 2 VP and 2 BP.

With the VP trysts they were exceptional and both were Outcall, put my mind at ease.

Before this past week, I yet to have a bad encounter, but everything changed this past week. The experiences were almost bad enough to have me question the hobby altogether, but redemption has prevailed.

Will I completely leave the BP side altogether? Absolutely not, why you ask, because I'm about the thrill and a dumbass, but also I owe it to my hobby brethren to seek out the gems, but will conduct lots of research.

In conclusion, do your homework on both sides, and HOBBY ON!!!!

YEAH BOI!!!!!!
I've had my years of BP. At the beginning it was good, years after and now it's just not worth all the trouble. To many ads with fake pics, to many girls with pimps lurking, and LE constantly trolling looking for busts. Yes there are some gems out there, but I don't care to dig through all the dirt to find them, BP is no longer for me. I prefer the VP's, all day, everyday.
I started the hobby on BP and had more bad experiences than good. I started doing research and thats how i found out about ECCIE. With ECCIE, i've only had 1 or 2 bad experiences. Thats why i'm never going back to BP again. ECCIE provides a much better way of doing research, reviews let you know what you are getting yourself into. Some BP providers are reviewed but other than that you are just taking a gamble. My donations are too valuable for that these days.
When are y'all gonna learn lol hmmmm?
mrredcat43's Avatar
Not gonna lie SP, but I trolled BP well over a year before I joined here. If I had joined when I first started trolling, the info share is ridiculous!!! Some of my best experiences have come from the bp side, and I have brought some over to the VP side. I got my bp regulars, but I longer I'm here, I find myself calling them less.
When are y'all gonna learn lol hmmmm? Originally Posted by SexyPlatinum
I know right, I was fortunate to meet a woman from bp who is also on eccie and she told me all about it. Took me about 4 months to pull the trigger and I'm sure glad I did.
SisterTwister's Avatar
This is just my .02 but I don't think most people in here seem to understand the best way to use BP. BP's just a screening tool to me, an online catalogue so to speak. I hear people all the time complaining about it but then their story shows they made obvious boneheaded mistakes that caused the problem. It doesn't take that much due diligence to cut out the obvious problems and what's left is a much lower risk than simply making random appointments.

Most BP girls who stay in this business longer than a few weeks or months just to pay the rent or get a car don't remain on BP indefinitely anyway. It's a cheap, easily accessible tool for developing a gateway avenue to advertising and building up a client base. But that doesn't mean they migrate to Eccie or P411 either. These girls are often remaining in the hobby as UTR girls, lower volume and part time as they work around RW jobs.

Frankly I'm not too interested in high volume providers who saw four other clients the day I show up for various reasons. Therefore I seek out low volume solutions that are sustainable over time instead. I currently know nine providers who fit this description and all but one I met via BP and only three have found their way to Eccie. I'm a picky shopper. I tend to look for exactly what I want and I'm not eliminating someone Id like to see just based on where I might find her. A few times BP hasn't worked out for me but the trade off of finding exactly what I'm looking for is worth a little extra in terms of problems or difficulties because the payoff is worth it.
mrredcat43's Avatar
This is just my .02 but I don't think most people in here seem to understand the best way to use BP. BP's just a screening tool to me, an online catalogue so to speak. I hear people all the time complaining about it but then their story shows they made obvious boneheaded mistakes that caused the problem. It doesn't take that much due diligence to cut out the obvious problems and what's left is a much lower risk than simply making random appointments.

Most BP girls who stay in this business longer than a few weeks or months just to pay the rent or get a car don't remain on BP indefinitely anyway. It's a cheap, easily accessible tool for developing a gateway avenue to advertising and building up a client base. But that doesn't mean they migrate to Eccie or P411 either. These girls are often remaining in the hobby as UTR girls, lower volume and part time as they work around RW jobs.

Frankly I'm not too interested in high volume providers who saw four other clients the day I show up for various reasons. Therefore I seek out low volume solutions that are sustainable over time instead. I currently know nine providers who fit this description and all but one I met via BP and only three have found their way to Eccie. I'm a picky shopper. I tend to look for exactly what I want and I'm not eliminating someone Id like to see just based on where I might find her. A few times BP hasn't worked out for me but the trade off of finding exactly what I'm looking for is worth a little extra in terms of problems or difficulties because the payoff is worth it. Originally Posted by SisterTwister
Thank you!!! You put it into words that I wanted to say, but didn't know how to word it.

The BP girls who I still see have gone utr completely. Tell me, what lady on Eccie will let you do an o/n for only $250 or $200, YOU WON'T!!!
shortblkguy's Avatar
This is just my .02 but I don't think most people in here seem to understand the best way to use BP. BP's just a screening tool to me, an online catalogue so to speak. I hear people all the time complaining about it but then their story shows they made obvious boneheaded mistakes that caused the problem. It doesn't take that much due diligence to cut out the obvious problems and what's left is a much lower risk than simply making random appointments.

Most BP girls who stay in this business longer than a few weeks or months just to pay the rent or get a car don't remain on BP indefinitely anyway. It's a cheap, easily accessible tool for developing a gateway avenue to advertising and building up a client base. But that doesn't mean they migrate to Eccie or P411 either. These girls are often remaining in the hobby as UTR girls, lower volume and part time as they work around RW jobs.

Frankly I'm not too interested in high volume providers who saw four other clients the day I show up for various reasons. Therefore I seek out low volume solutions that are sustainable over time instead. I currently know nine providers who fit this description and all but one I met via BP and only three have found their way to Eccie. I'm a picky shopper. I tend to look for exactly what I want and I'm not eliminating someone Id like to see just based on where I might find her. A few times BP hasn't worked out for me but the trade off of finding exactly what I'm looking for is worth a little extra in terms of problems or difficulties because the payoff is worth it. Originally Posted by SisterTwister
Nicely said. As an AA male, my options in my area of the country are almost non-existent on eccie (NBA) and I use BP otherwise I would not hobby at all. I follow strict protocol on who I see and have had good success. Most guys who have issues on BP are thinking with their little head and ignore the warning signs.

Safe hobbying.
Ads are ads, you are always rolling the dice when seeing a provider. Do you think the VP's on this site all have updated pics? Many also have pimps. All that a verified provider status on this site indicates is the lady has a website and she has a review somewhere. I have not had many experiences with a lady who advertises on BP, but the ones I have seen, have been at least good experiences. And as a matter of fact, one of the worst experiences I have had in hobbying came from a verified provider on this site.