Scottish Kelly flakey

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Going out to gym but saw possibility of an appointment with the Sottish Barbie ( and called. She quoted her rates and I indicated I wanted a 1/2 appointment. She asked "now" and I said yes. I asked what location because I figured I was 5 minutes away. She said she didn't give out that information on the phone but she would text the address after we hung up. Go figure the logic on that.

I wait and no text. I wait longer and no text. I call back and get no answer. Later I call again and get no answer. So I take off to the gym for a short workout. Later I check my phone and find she texted 28 minutes after my first call. I call her back 14 minutes after her text and she acts indignant that I didn't call right away. I indicate I can come over and be there in 5 minutes, but she hangs up on me. Sheesh, what a bitch.

Normally, I'd just blow off stuff like this and keep it to myself, but today I'm in a mood to vent about it. Thanks for listening.
I called her around six tonight. she said she was in the middle of something to call her back later.....