Bella Noel's Avatar
Hey guys just wanted to take a minute to say thank you to all the houston hobbiest for being kind and welcoming me so well. Im glad I made the decision to work here. Thank you again
h2theizzo's Avatar
Oh, that's so nice. With these boards often a hot-bed for conflict and contention- this is quite refreshing. While I have not seen you yet, I definitely plan to sooner rather than later. This type of attitude is a major plus, too. Thank you for choosing this fair city.
dearhunter's Avatar
......and me likey them breateses.
Your name is super cute!! I'd never heard of it before today. Love it!
Thank you, Noel. I really enjoyed our time together.
To other hobbyists, Noel is extremely attractive and very sweet, and can carry on an intelligent conversation during those "rest" periods...:-). I hesitated to write this; after all, a fisherman doesn't give away his favorite locations, but since she submitted this post I'm compelled to give her the support. Believe me, you'll be more than satisfied.
Still Looking's Avatar
Thank you, Noel. I really enjoyed our time together.
To other hobbyists, Noel is extremely attractive and very sweet, and can carry on an intelligent conversation during those "rest" periods...:-). I hesitated to write this; after all, a fisherman doesn't give away his favorite locations, but since she submitted this post I'm compelled to give her the support. Believe me, you'll be more than satisfied. Originally Posted by Energy
Nice that you want to support the young lady... yet you did not post a review? How is someone that hot no worthy of a review? Just saying...
agree, why no review