Democrats admit they’re traitors and can’t win unless they cheat.

berryberry's Avatar
Democrats admit they’re traitors and can’t win unless they cheat.

berryberry's Avatar
Why are leftists trying to allow non citizens the ability to vote?
... Because they can't win unless they cheat. ...

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
No suprise, Joey Bribes said this before the 2020 election

The Dems have no choice but to cheat.

The crazy part is, their voters don’t care. In fact, they support it.

They actually believe Trump is Hitler, and that cheating in elections is justified to save “democracy”.

They don’t see the irony in this whatsoever.
winn dixie's Avatar
Where's the part where dems "admit" they're cheaters?
bambino's Avatar
Biden admitted it in the video.

berryberry's Avatar
No suprise, Joey Bribes said this before the 2020 election

The Dems have no choice but to cheat.

The crazy part is, their voters don’t care. In fact, they support it.

They actually believe Trump is Hitler, and that cheating in elections is justified to save “democracy”.

They don’t see the irony in this whatsoever. Originally Posted by bambino
Democrats cheat indeed. Democrats are a danger to all real Americans. Democrats are out to destroy our country and democracy.
Lol. At least you don't have BDS or anything.
winn dixie's Avatar
No evidence of dems being cheaters provided yet!
berryberry's Avatar
Why are leftists trying to allow non citizens the ability to vote? Originally Posted by berryberry
Well we know the answer. To cheat. That's the only reason leftists are trying to illegally allow non citizens to vote
No evidence of dems being cheaters provided yet! Originally Posted by winn dixie
And you'll never see any. Just a bunch of whining and bellyaching from the folks who call others "snowflakes"
bambino's Avatar

The Deep State doesn’t fuck around.
berryberry's Avatar
Ken Paxton : The White House has formally announced that Biden will veto the Republican bill that seeks to prevent noncitizens from voting.

There is no hiding it now. Biden and the Democrats want illegal immigrants to vote in the election this November. Our elections are NOT safe from mass interference as long as states do not require proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections.
Ken Paxton : The White House has formally announced that Biden will veto the Republican bill that seeks to prevent noncitizens from voting.

There is no hiding it now. Biden and the Democrats want illegal immigrants to vote in the election this November. Our elections are NOT safe from mass interference as long as states do not require proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections. Originally Posted by berryberry
... Of course Biden will - it's the onley way that
the Dems can win - by letting illegals vote.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
The only reason to veto a bill against voter fraud is that you plan to commit voter fraud