A Sex Toy To Die For!

British nanny Nicola Paginton dies using sex toy while watching porn: coroner

The ecstasy - and the agony.
A 30-year-old British woman's death, when using a sex toy while watching a porn movie, was probably caused by her state of arousal, officials said.

Nicola Paginton, a children's nanny, was found dead in bed - naked from the waist down - in October as the porn movie played on her laptop, according to the Daily Mail.
A pathologist and coroner said during an inquest that Paginton died from a sudden heart arrhythmia, likely caused by "her activity before death." the paper reported.

Police had been called to Paginton's home after her employer, Sarah Griffths, went to her house when she failed to show up for work. She and a neighbor saw Paginton lying on her bed with her cat sitting on her chest, the newspaper said.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/worl...#ixzz0tJCmPrpC

Ladies it looks like we need to be more careful!

*Walks off to lock away masterbatory tools & hide key*
bluffcityguy's Avatar
She probably had some sort of underlying heart problem (probably an arrhythmia of some sort) that made her susceptible to this sort of end.

Probably, most of us don't need to be worried too much about it.

I defer to anyone with better information.


I agree. Quite an embarrassing way to be found though and "the cat was sitting on her chest"!

Well she's dead so she won't be embarassed by the news story.
DallasRain's Avatar
wildcat4fun's Avatar
tammy4u's Avatar
Oh my!!!
That's sad, but I have seen other worse ways.
SlowHand49's Avatar
Now I've heard of killer sex toys before, but . . .
Lea Madisson's Avatar
Then, again... I have a toy or two that might could kill!! LOL
DallasRain's Avatar
leah---You are a sex toy babe!!!
leah---You are a sex toy babe!!! Originally Posted by DallasRain
And that's a fact!