The Iraq quagmire

cowboy8055's Avatar
What a mess brewing in Iraq. Lets break it down.

It appears we trained members of ISIS, the radical group currently attacking Iraq. We trained them to fight Assad but some have broken off to Iraq.

Apparently some of our supposed allies are funding ISIS.

Syria appears to be joining the fight in Iraq.

Iran is sending in troops to Iraq. They don't want to see it fall to the Sunnis.

So consider the following if the U.S. sends in troops:

We would likely be fighting against people we armed and trained.
We would essentially be fighting on the same side as Iran.
Would also be fighting on the same side as Syria, the government we're trying to overthrow.

Not as surprising as it may appear. In the overthrow of Libya, we basically were on the same side as Al-Qaeda. In Syria we're basically on the same side as Al-Qaeda and its affiliates in attempting to oust Assad. Both sides of the Syrian conflict will be represented in Iraq. How wonderful. Puts the U.S. in an odd spot. Just another day in that insane asylum known as the Middle East.
We should walk away from it.

Develop different technologies that don't depend on oil. We're Americans. We can do that.

They're fucking religious nuts and they are always going to be religious nuts. You can't reason with that shit. We should have nothing to do with them other than to have a plan to kill them if they fuck with us.
We should walk away from it.

Develop different technologies that don't depend on oil. We're Americans. We can do that.

They're fucking religious nuts and they are always going to be religious nuts. You can't reason with that shit. We should have nothing to do with them other than to have a plan to kill them if they fuck with us. Originally Posted by timpage
I agree but we don't have alternatives... in the mean time, we have to TRY to keep the economy going.
We should walk away from it.

Develop different technologies that don't depend on oil. We're Americans. We can do that.

They're fucking religious nuts and they are always going to be religious nuts. You can't reason with that shit. We should have nothing to do with them other than to have a plan to kill them if they fuck with us. Originally Posted by timpage
I agree, except we should develop all of our energy sourses, including nuclear, natural gas, oil, coal, wind, a hydro, etc.
I agree, except we should develop all of our energy sourses, including nuclear, natural gas, oil, coal, wind, a hydro, etc. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Then, we don't disagree and I don't know why you think we do. We should develop every alternative energy source that makes economic sense.....and I don't necessarily mean it should be cheaper. If we have to pay more for it in order to divorce ourselves from these psychotic murderers who happen to live on the stinking shithole deserts where the energy resources that we currently rely on happen to be......, then we should pay more for alternative resources that we can produce. I repeat: we should place ourselves in a position where we don't owe, or rely on, these crazy murdering fucks.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 06-17-2014, 09:57 PM
I agree with all of you!

We have discovered enough oil here to bridge us through energy advances.

We should also not be selling oil on the open world market like some are crying for.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We should walk away from it.

Develop different technologies that don't depend on oil. We're Americans. We can Originally Posted by timpage
Exactly. Oil is a 19th century fuel. We have made so many dramatic advances in other technology, why not fuel? I have my theory, btw, but I digress.

It's time to get the US and the rest of the world off oil, and on to a fuel consistent with life in the 21st century.
cowboy8055's Avatar
I agree with all of you!

We have discovered enough oil here to bridge us through energy advances.

We should also not be selling oil on the open world market like some are crying for. Originally Posted by WTF
We should have been producing more of our own oil all along. That's gonna bite us in the ass sooner or later. We do need to move away from oil but that will take time.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
What a mess brewing in Iraq. Lets break it down.

It appears we trained members of ISIS, the radical group currently attacking Iraq. We trained them to fight Assad but some have broken off to Iraq.

Apparently some of our supposed allies are funding ISIS.

Syria appears to be joining the fight in Iraq.

Iran is sending in troops to Iraq. They don't want to see it fall to the Sunnis.

So consider the following if the U.S. sends in troops:

We would likely be fighting against people we armed and trained.
We would essentially be fighting on the same side as Iran.
Would also be fighting on the same side as Syria, the government we're trying to overthrow.

Not as surprising as it may appear. In the overthrow of Libya, we basically were on the same side as Al-Qaeda. In Syria we're basically on the same side as Al-Qaeda and its affiliates in attempting to oust Assad. Both sides of the Syrian conflict will be represented in Iraq. How wonderful. Puts the U.S. in an odd spot. Just another day in that insane asylum known as the Middle East. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Not much different from present day Afghanistan- during the Soviet Invasion the U.S trained and supplied weapons to the Mujahadeen who would later become the Taliban to fight the Soviets and the Afghan government who were controlled by the Northern Alliance. Now we are training the afghan soldiers who are now the Northern Alliance against the Taliban who are/were the Mujahadeen- way to go America!!!!!
We as a nation have learned nothing since the cold war. The enemy of my enemy is not your friend. Period.
LexusLover's Avatar
We would likely be fighting against people we armed and trained. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
We do that well, because we've historically had a lot of experience in it.

Ho Chi Minh was an ally against the Japanese.

And we trained and armed Iraqis BEFORE Saddam, ....

and the OBL group in Afghanistan!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-18-2014, 06:10 AM
We do that well, because we've historically had a lot of experience in it.

! Originally Posted by LexusLover
There are some of us tired of wasting our soldiers lives and taxpayers money doing that stupid shit....thus we were against the Iraq war before it started.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Olson Johnson is RIGHT!
cowboy8055's Avatar
And we trained and armed Iraqis BEFORE Saddam, ....

and the OBL group in Afghanistan! Originally Posted by LexusLover
The CIA helped put Saddam in power. In the 80's our gov't sold him biological and chemical weapons during the Iraq-Iran War. Later we accuse him of having WMD's that we sold him.

Bin Laden worked for the CIA while he was leader of Al Qaeda in the late 80's during the conflict with Russia. Back then they were referred to as freedom fighters.

Truth can be stranger than fiction sometimes.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We also financed Fidel Castro......look how that turned out.