Some good news

cowboy8055's Avatar
It appears we got one of the guys behind the Benghazi attack
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Exactly. It "appears" that way.
Timing seems suspicious... We will see how it turns out?
RedLeg505's Avatar
It appears we got one of the guys behind the Benghazi attack Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Just wondering, do you think the prosecution or defense will ask this guy exactly what YouTube video he watched that made him decide to get some friends and attack the compound?

Oh, and all the Obama supporters that were saying we had to wait for the trial to call Bergdahl a deserter... will they also say we shouldn't judge this guy until after the trial??
Halfwits. We catch one of the shitbags responsible for killing some Americans and you're all so twisted up by ODS that all you can do is to think how to use it against President Obama. Truly fucked up.
Just wondering, do you think the prosecution or defense will ask this guy exactly what YouTube video he watched that made him decide to get some friends and attack the compound?

Oh, and all the Obama supporters that were saying we had to wait for the trial to call Bergdahl a deserter... will they also say we shouldn't judge this guy until after the trial?? Originally Posted by RedLeg505

Yea "the video", that only had a couple of hundred views when the "false flag" was launched.
....We catch one of the shitbags responsible for killing some Americans and you're all so twisted up by ODS that all you can do is to think how to use it against President Obama. Truly fucked up. Originally Posted by timpage
This guy was giving TV interviews a few months after the attack thumbing his nose for over a year to the USA.

Obama is making Clinton's mistake o fprosecuting this guy as a criminal and not a POW. That's why the FBI couldn't get to him but a SEAL team could.

We are at war against the terrorists. The continued criminal prosecution aspect of this ongoing war will only keep the war going. Finding these terrorists guilty and lining them up against the wall is the only thing that will shorten it.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There is nothing this administration has done, or the previous several administrations for that matter, to make me think they are telling the truth about anything. I hope this is the guy. But I'm not taking the government's word for it. There are only two times when the government tells us the truth anymore. First is by accident. Second is when the truth will help cover up deeper and more heinous corruption.
RedLeg505's Avatar
We catch one of the shitbags responsible for killing some Americans Originally Posted by timpage
I thought you Obama supporters were all "Let's wait for the trial, people are innocent until proven guilty" when it was Bergdahl and the claims he deserted. NOW, you are calling this guy "responsible for killing some Americans" before the trial?

Why the change in view Tim? Or does your POV change depending on if the subject is good or bad for Obama?
Hell, it has to be the right guy, he was interviewed on TV twice since the attack..