Mugshots Of Chicks Y'all Would Call "Hot"

kerwil62's Avatar
Check out the mugshots on these chicks. They look good and a lot of you would smash but some won't hesitate to kick your ass! LOL!!
Beating up boyfriends, husbands, and ex's of both kind...

Yep, I'd still smash 'em. Hell, the ability to wrestle with me while it's happening makes it hotter.
pyramider's Avatar
Nice ...
boardman's Avatar
#12 Immodest dancing in N. Dakota. TFF
SpiceItUp's Avatar
#18 "beating her husband with a toaster for not cooking her breakfast correctly"

Lol...but yes I'd still do her, and basically all of the girls on that list. Half of them though we're arrested for nonviolent stuff like DUI and whatnot.
john353's Avatar
The hooker was a hottie...

Yes, all those perps are doable.