Money is money

Or is it?

I think I know the answer but I would like to hear the ladies and gents perspectives. I will post my thoughts later but want to see others thoughts first.

A client has set an appointment with you. Before the session, you have an expense come up that happens to be the same as your session rate. The guy is in the position to take care of the expense or just pay you for the session and let you take care of the expense yourself. This is an expense you would have to pay regardless of the session. It would be convenient to allow the guy to handle the expense and then give him the session but not greatly so. It might be a few days to a week before the session takes place. The expense can wait but it would be in inconvenient to do so, Though not overly so. There is no question you would not follow through with the session if he takes care of the expense.

As a provider, would you rather, and why -
A). Have the client pay for the session and you take care of the expense on your own
B) Allow the gent to handle the expense directly for you and give the session as already paid for

As the client, knowing you will get the session regardless and taking care of the expense would not be overly odorous , would you rather , and why-
A) Pay for the session and let her take care of her problem herself
B) Handle the providers expense and have the session as already paid for

If the impact of the expense were greater, would that change your perspective from either side? What if the time period before the session were longer? Say, a couple of weeks or more? How would you expect either choice to impact the session, if at all?

Some guys will say never prepay for a session. Yes, we know that. But you will get the session either way so the risk of no session by prepaying is none. The whys are the really important part of this so give a little thought if you will please.

Looking forward to some thought provoking answers
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I personally would keep everything business- also it's going to depend on who the provider is and ourrelationships. It's ironic you had this topic because just last week had a pretty well known provider text me and ask if I could wire her 300 dollars to take care of an important issue and in return she will pay it back with a "session" when she returns to Dallas later this month. There was no way I was going to follow through because trust me it would have been 300 dollars I would have never seen again. If the lady is genuine she shouldn't have any issues with the guy taking care of the matter.
One time I had a former provider ask if I could loan her $800 to get her car fixed. She had forgot that I already knew from social media that her "boyfriend" got locked up the day prior and it was really bail money. I wanted to see if she would be honest with money so I told her sure.."lI asked her to give me the number to the repair shop and I will put it on my credit card." She then states :"oh they don't accept credit cards". When I start pursuing her and asking why would you take it to place that only deals with cash?- she changed the story and said.."well he thinks it might be more damage- so he wants $800 down before he works on anything..." So her lies kept piling on and in all honesty she would have never got the money from me even if she was telling the truth, but to answer your question OBSG- it's best to keep everything business and avoid all these scenarios. I am just being flat out honest- this is not a business where doing favors and hoping to get rewarded later- it never works out!!!!
I am on the same page with well endowed. It really depends on the relationship with the provider. In almost all cases I hobby to escape from the RW, the less I know the better. I will say I have prepaid for some services, or even gifted to solve some problems. The pretense is not to get extras, but to help somebody out. This is more of the very rare exception than the rule. You also have to be willing to lose the money.

It's a business, and each business connection is different. You have to judge the quality of the relationship (duration, depth, transparency). In general I would advise no.

ManSlut's Avatar
Isn't this the same crap you went through with Carla Sweets, OBSG? Where did that get you?

As a client there is NO SUCH THING as, 'knowing you will get the session regardless' (you're living proof of that) or 'you will get the session either way so the risk of prepaying is none' (again, YOU are living proof that's a crock!!)...Quit trying to be Captain-Save-A-Hoe.
I just can't figure out what's so hard about this simple credo.

Book session, complete session, pay for session.

Anything outside of this simply opens up the opportunity for complications.
ManSlut's Avatar
^^^Well said Billy, it is just that simple.
roaringfork's Avatar
One great reason I've always considered hookers ethically superior to strippers (and civvies) is the relative absence of the kind of boundary-blurring, slippery-slope mess that you're talking about here--the hustler's act of shaking money out of a guy by jumping him back and forth across the line between "How dare you suggest that. This is only a job" and "Can't you help me out a little? I thought you were my friend."

Short answer: Go with "A"--all the way.
Many women, not just providers , do this.

Personally, its not my style. Its too personal. It would be like Mcdonalds asking me to pay directly for their wifi or lights. Im the type of person to ask a family member (due to pride, THAT never happens) or wait it out trusting in the Almighty.

This is a hustle for most, so by any means necesary (hell, they're already hooking) to get money, many ladies will resort to personifying the damsel in distress. Its tacky to me, and after mustering up enough gull to ask just to be rejected hurts, but works wonders for others.
Money for you = Sex for me.

End of story, no "gray area" here.
I don't pay my electrician's car payment before he comes over to install some track lighting. Just seems too personal for me and if she has to have the bill paid before she sees you, just front the money to her. LMFAOOOO
Keep it STRICTLY business. Do the session, pay for the expense like a normal, well rounded, functioning, responsible adult. What the hell is wrong with people around here? Why do the ladies not know how to manage the money they make? Bigger question, why in the world would you gents be willing to continually help out ladies that you know will not appreciate you in the long run and will continually burn you? At least you all are consistent.
Keep it STRICTLY business. Do the session, pay for the expense like a normal, well rounded, functioning, responsible adult. What the hell is wrong with people around here? Why do the ladies not know how to manage the money they make? Bigger question, why in the world would you gents be willing to continually help out ladies that you know will not appreciate you in the long run and will continually burn you? At least you all are consistent. Originally Posted by Kendall4U
I agree, I would probably be extremely offended upon further thought if a provider blurred the lines of business and reached out to me in that manner. I have too much going on in the real world for my "fantasy" to get screwed up as well. Pulling a stunt like that will surely put a provider on my DNS list. Remember, we're hobbyist, a hobby is something you can put down and/or pick up. It should never, EVER get any more serious than that. When this shit starts to bleed over into the RW, the thrill is gone and it is time to find another hobby! Or, at least, another girl! That is more of a sugar daddy thing to me, and Darkey don't play that shit!
ManSlut's Avatar
....Bigger question, why in the world would you gents be willing to continually help out ladies that you know will not appreciate you in the long run and will continually burn you? At least you all are consistent. Originally Posted by Kendall4U
Yes Kendall, some are amazingly, consistently stupid on here, no need to Sugarcoat it beautiful. They aren't going to learn anything anyway, so like my Father used to say, "Shoot from the hip and right between their eyes".

Stupid is as stupid does.

On a hi-jack, lighter note: Kendall, will you marry me and we can leave all this Silliness behind?...I'd save you any day, but I won't loan or front you
I know people have a tendency to get a little softer and more sentimental as they age (not everyone, but some of them) but WTF man? Buy a cat, or adopt! Adoption is an awesome process in which both parties benefit immensely! Don't use that heart of gold to pay a hookers car note, I'm just saying!
Yes Kendall, some are amazingly, consistently stupid on here, no need to Sugarcoat it beautiful. They aren't going to learn anything anyway, so like my Father used to say, "Shoot from the hip and right between their eyes".

Stupid is as stupid does.

On a hi-jack, lighter note: Kendall, will you marry me and we can leave all this Silliness behind?...I'd save you any day, but I won't loan or front you Originally Posted by ManSlut
Show me the ring baby!