Tv sucks

You aren't kidding. A friend of mine said if you told him 30 years ago he'd have 100 channels and nothing to watch he would thought you were crazy. Can't stand fake reality shows or all the stupid contests. At least open water fishing is here.
There is still lots of good stuff on. Breaking Bad was awesome. Californication is a great show for hobbyists. Justified is an excellent show, although has lost a step since Elmore Leonard died. (He wrote for them) Ray Donovan is very good. The Walking Dead (after season 2). Orange Is The New Black, House Of Cards. (latest season was a disappointment though.) I've learned a lot that I've used from remodeling and cooking shows. Yeah, network TV sucks. Except the soft core porn that is Dancing With The Stars.
I think im just at that point in my life where i can take it are leave it -TV- that is . The last tv show i would make a point to be in front of the boob tube before it started and planed my day around being able to watch it was

The shield . The actors strike hit the show just as they were starting to film the last season so if i remember right a year went by with re runs and then the final season came out . When they threw the pineaple on lem i about forgot it was a tv show and got all wound up and was about to drive to holly wood to get the MF
I liked the walking dead as well. The shield was good too. Haven't really gotten into anything else as I don't want to pay for those extra channels. I did watch shameless? I think when I had it for free for three months. Thinking about getting rid of it and doing netflix but not sure I want to deal with that as well. Probably have to buy a new tv and whatever else is needed for that. Warmer weather is getting closer so I'll spend more time fishing anyway, hopefully.
Archer is one i watch