Hey "Trendy" did you hear the latest? HAHAHAHAHA

From BUSINESS INSIDER'S Brett LoGiurato:

"Last week, the Republican-led House Committee on Energy and Commerce released information claiming only 67% of enrollees in insurance exchanges established by the Affordable Care Act made their first premium payment. The data was paraded around as a talking point ahead of the Obama administration's final release of stats from the law's first open enrollment period.

On Wednesday, that talking point blew up.

Three of the country's largest insurers — Aetna, WellPoint, and Health Care Service Corp., which operates Blue Cross Blue Shield plans in several states — said between 80-90% of new customers who enrolled through Obamacare paid their first month's premiums. Executives from the companies announced the news in testimony before the very same House Committee on Energy and Commerce where Republicans touted the contrary data last week."
If you take the mid-point of the range of non-payers (15%)..........that means only 6.8 million people officially enrolled (i.e. paid enrollees)! And how many of those will make the 2nd payment ??? It will only go down.

So Obama lied when he told us his program exceeded expectations.....and more importantly we have less insured than before (7 million lost their coverage under Obamacare)!

And wait until the employer mandate kicks in

If the unpaid number is 20%, then the numbers get worse and Obama is even a bigger liar......6.4 million insured !

Only in the fucked up world of Liberal Progressivism is an 80% result considered an overwhelming success !

AmishGangster's Avatar
The only thing required to make Obamacare look bad is to have a job.
Obamacare enrollees paid their first month premium, big deal. The premiums are suppose to be so low you can pay them if you cut grass for a living. Now all these people need to do is stay away from Hospitals and clinics.

Guess your lawn mowing job will pay your premiums all right Jim.
Guess your lawn mowing job will pay your premiums all right Jim. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Yeah, Thank God Obamacare came along.

LexusLover's Avatar
Hey "Trendy" did you hear the latest? HAHAHAHAHA

From BUSINESS INSIDER'S Brett LoGiurato:

"Last week, the Republican-led House Committee on Energy and Commerce released information claiming only 67% of enrollees in insurance exchanges established by the Affordable Care Act made their first premium payment. The data was paraded around as a talking point ahead of the Obama administration's final release of stats from the law's first open enrollment period.

On Wednesday, that talking point blew up.

Three of the country's largest insurers — Aetna, WellPoint, and Health Care Service Corp., which operates Blue Cross Blue Shield plans in several states — said between 80-90% of new customers who enrolled through Obamacare paid their first month's premiums. Executives from the companies announced the news in testimony before the very same House Committee on Energy and Commerce where Republicans touted the contrary data last week." Originally Posted by bigtex
Hey, BigTits ... did you actually read the shit you posted? Let me dissect it:

"80-90% of new customers who enrolled through Obamacare" in
"Blue Cross Blue Shield plans in several states" ...

not "enrollees in insurance exchanges established by the Affordable Care Act"

Does "apples and oranges" make sense?

According to BCBS's own "poop" sheet (used to pronounce "shit" sometimes) in 50 states the have only about 1/3 of the population market and the report you cite speaks of "Blue Cross Blue Shield plans in several states" ... not "nationwide." So for whatever reason the BCBS plans reported were "cherry picked" among the 50 states to show "higher" enrollment numbers ... AND BTW ... have you ever signed up for BCBS and been ACCEPTED ..... WITHOUT PAYING THE FIRST PREMIUM?...

Again ... "apples and oranges" ... you cut and paste is the same as ...

.... CJ4's .... numbers playing to make things look better than they are.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-08-2014, 11:58 AM

8,019,763 people selected Marketplace plans from October 1, 2013, through March 31, 2014, (including additional Special Enrollment Period activity through April 19th). Nearly 2.6 million signed up in the State Based Marketplaces and over 5.4 million in the Federally-facilitated Marketplace. About 3.8 million people enrolled in the Health Insurance Marketplace plans in the final reporting period, which began March 2 and concluded on April 19.
LexusLover's Avatar

[B] ... over 5.4 million in the Federally-facilitated Marketplace. Originally Posted by CJ7
There you have it!!!! That is ACA ... WEBSITE APPLICATIONS!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-08-2014, 01:00 PM
There you have it!!!! That is ACA ... WEBSITE APPLICATIONS! Originally Posted by LexusLover

you CAN read can't you ?
Yssup Rider's Avatar

You dipshits ought to be thrilled that your depression is now covered. Of course the fact that you're whiny little bitches isn't.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 05-08-2014, 02:28 PM
Yeah, Thank God Obamacare came along.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

millions of people who now have health insurance agree with you
millions of people who now have health insurance agree with you Originally Posted by CJ7
Iam glad they're happy. I've had the same employee provided insurance for quite sometime now. The last few years that I;ve gone in for a checkup I pay my co-pay before I leave and a few weeks later I receive a small bill for additional cost. so Obamacare is affecting people who have had established Health insurance.

LexusLover's Avatar
you CAN read can't you ? Originally Posted by CJ7
Not shit on tea leaves.