Poll: Pay upfront/Pay afterward/Don't care?

Things seem to be pretty even between both guys and gals getting robbed these days so I realize there is no "correct" answer.

I know of at least a few mongers and providers who demand it their way period.

This is not intended to be a debate about which is better although I'm sure the more passionate which make it one.

This is a simple poll to determine the percentage break down of preferences.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I fall in the don't care category maybe that's because in 10 years I have never had anyone not pay.....

The way I see it if he already has the frame of mind that he is going to play then not pay what is really stopping him from trying to attack me and get what he wants anyways?
Never pay for services until they are rendered.
I was a little confused about this subject when I started seeing providers again. I did some reading on the boards and I paid attention to how different ladies handle the issue. That said, it is my limited experience that no two ladies handle the matter exactly the same way. Some ladies prefer to handle business first, while others are more relaxed and TCB afterwards. I tend to wait until afterwards, unless I have prior knowledge of something different. If the latter, I make a decision based upon how the big head feels about the current situation. Luckily it has not been an issue with anyone I have met (knock on wood).
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-06-2015, 09:13 AM
Do your research and it should not be an issue either way. That may be different for guys who like to find the undiscovered new lady, but I don't go there myself. Never had an issue with it.

A few ladies make it clear they want finances addressed at the end, but unless I know that I take care of it initially. When a lady sees someone for the first time she is usually taking the lion's share of the risk anyway, I see no reason to ask her to take any more. Usually I put it in in a card, and the vast majority of ladies never open it until after she or I leave.
playingnthedark's Avatar
Never pay up front. Never every pay up front. And I have no problem if the provider decline to see be because of it.

GneissGuy's Avatar
The way you phrased your questions is a little biased.

"Monger: I always pay upfront as a gesture of good faith"

as in "I'm a good guy so I pay first."

"Monger: I always pay afterward or no session."

As in "I pay afterwards and I'm an ass about it."

Why not just ask if you pay first or afterwards and not attach any emotionally charged words to it? Are you a professional pollster in real life who conducts the "unbiased" polls we see on the news, or in political campaigns?

Also, why make the poll public where people can see how you voted?
The way you phrased your questions is a little biased.

"Monger: I always pay upfront as a gesture of good faith"

as in "I'm a good guy so I pay first."

"Monger: I always pay afterward or no session."

As in "I pay afterwards and I'm an ass about it."

Why not just ask if you pay first or afterwards and not attach any emotionally charged words to it? Are you a professional pollster in real life who conducts the "unbiased" polls we see on the news, or in political campaigns?

Also, why make the poll public where people can see how you voted? Originally Posted by GneissGuy
There are four options included for both sides including the less adament options.

Our perceptions differ. I do not consider someone who insist upon paying afterward or collecting upfront in order for the session to proceed to be an ass so your statement about being biased is inaccurate. It is their preference.
In that regard your comment sounds far more biased than the poll options.

Those who insist upon paying up front or collecting afterward are indeed displaying a gesture of good faith because there is an obvious willingness to take all of the risk in order to establish a sense of trust. Again this is neither better nor worse than the other preferences.

Based upon board observation those who insist upon paying afterward or collecting upfront in order for the session to proceed are pretty adamant to the point of becoming emotional if it turns into a board debate.
There is no agenda attached as you are insinuating. Those hobbyists more flexible have boxes to check as well.

Your statement might apply if there were fewer options provided however that is not the case.

The whole point of the poll being public was so everyone can see one another's preferences. This I would think is a very good thing for the board rather than whatever it is you are trying to imply.

We're not exactly discussing a confidential nor inflammatory topic.

It is a simple self explanatory poll. If for some odd reason you don't want others to see your preference don't participate. Simple as that.
Mr Peabody's Avatar
If there were a mechanism of pre-paying online with no physical cash exchange, I would go for that. A provider should be thinking about the tip and making me a return customer.
In the future, anonymous escrow payments will rule.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
If there were a mechanism of pre-paying online with no physical cash exchange, I would go for that. A provider should be thinking about the tip and making me a return customer.
In the future, anonymous escrow payments will rule. Originally Posted by Mr Peabody
Greeendot money pak refills??

Best tip ever is a repeat customer
Here is why I would never do it again.
Fool me once.
Kitty Bunny Fuck's Avatar
I collect after. I trust my mongers 😜 and I've never been stiffed yet.

I'd like to think I have a good judge of a person. Usually their presence, and personality can key in on their agendas. Are they there to fuck me or "fuck me"? lol

Looking for signs like a lot of UN-needed chatter, nervousness, figgity behavior can home in on someone who is trying to rip you off.

Again, it's never happened on my end, but if it did I can assure you Id be quit a difficult gal about it.
cafriend's Avatar
I have found that professional providers don't care when the process is completed. Since I typically see the same ladies, they know where I stash the donation.

I spend a lot of time researching so I kind of know what to expect about the donation.

The only time that I've run into an issue is with BP ladies on quick notice.. who typically demand payment when you come in the door. I also place it in the same spot and show them where I put it. So far I've not had an issue with a cash n dash.
Man, that is a hard one to answer.

I can understand why the ladies demand it up front due to most of the subjects of the Alerts forum: shorted, empty envelopes, fake money, running out without paying, etc.

Plus, I can also see why the mongers (such as myself) pay afterwards: cash-n-dash, terrible service, bait-n-switch, etc.

Good topic/poll, though.
justplaying67's Avatar
I pay up front because I don't want to forget to leave it as I'm dashing out the door, then have the Lady track me down. I don't like it when they count it before hand. Mostly because I want the exploding dye packet to go off after I leave. :-)