I was wanting a man's thoughts on something.

Kitten's Avatar
There is something that has just been eating at me. I was wondering what the gentleman's thoughts on management is. I see some girls who post and are known to have , “management” and wonder why anyone would still see them?

I am independent and put the people I spent time with above the green dollar they bring in. If a lady is supporting two houses how is this possible for her to do the same? Another thing that would worry me is her keeping YOUR information safe and secure . After all if the "management" knows who, when , how long and how much the date is what is left bcd? Is this a risk that men are really willing to take when there are so many other options out there ?

This has probably been talked about before but I was wondering. Thank you for you input and thoughts .


Nitwitboy's Avatar
Once I find out it really turns me off. I hate to think the lady I am seeing is being abused or mistreated.
Is this a cleverly disguised pimp thread?

I thought we only had these in the secure men's area.
Its really disturbing to me. I rather a lady I know is an independant lady and doing it of her own free will and for her own purposes to enjoy herself and to improve her life in a sort of way. I will not see a girl if I suspect 'management' is involved.
Its really disturbing to me. I rather a lady I know is an independant lady and doing it of her own free will and for her own purposes to enjoy herself and to improve her life in a sort of way. I will not see a girl if I suspect 'management' is involved. Originally Posted by thighhighfreek
Guest062512's Avatar
I will not see a lady if I find out there is a male pulling her strings. To me that's apalling. No matter how pretty she is or how well-reviewed she may be, I'm not inclined to support some parasitic leech. I like to give gifts and tips. I want the lady to receive those tips and gifts not have them stolen away from her after I leave.
TinMan's Avatar
Every once in awhile you run across a woman who just can't seem to get her TCB shit together. Those women need management or they starve.

Unfortunately, they're usually taken advantage of, too.
SweetAterPie's Avatar
Is this a cleverly disguised pimp thread?

I thought we only had these in the secure men's area. Originally Posted by monkmonk

Say the naughty word receive five points.
Bababoeuy's Avatar
I see a lady in this order
1.do I like the face/looks?
2 do I like the body/age?
3 do I like her location?
4 do I like her price?
5 do I like her menu/reviews?
6 is the weather outside nice enough to go out in?
7 do I have to speak with a male to make appointment?
7 is there a Chic-fil-a or Subway's near her incall for after the session?

so for a guy who sees about 4-6 providers a month, indy vs managed has no bearing whatsoever (unless the manager has free coupons for Subway's)
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 01-24-2011, 08:53 PM
Is this a cleverly disguised pimp thread?

I thought we only had these in the secure men's area. Originally Posted by monkmonk

No,.... it is a blatant ad...

If she REALLY wanted a discussion on management she wouldn't have thrown in a picture of herself.
pmdelites's Avatar
kitten asked "wonder why anyone would still see them?"
because guys sometime have a one track mind!!
you should probably know that by now!!!

i'm inferring that kitten is also asking "why would any woman do this?"
because some women are organizationally challenged or lazy or cant deal with it or just want to consult and leave the business to someone else.
you should probably know that by now!!!

who said that management had to be a man??
for those of you jumping to that conclusion, open your brain to other possibilities.

i've been told [2nd hand] of several women who had other women handling all appts, p411 acct, website, advising them on their ads, posting their ads, etc.

some were just helping out. some were taking a cut of the consulting fee.
didnt know of any that were mishandling, abusing, screwing around, or practicing malpractice. but i didnt probe too deeply in that area.
probed other areas, perhaps. that area, no. :^)
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
No,.... it is a blatant ad...

If she REALLY wanted a discussion on management she wouldn't have thrown in a picture of herself. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Good catch ZE.
Anyhoo, I'll play. I was secreened by at least six different eccie ladies last year and they never got their sh!t in order to make our BCD happen. I hate to say this BUTT, some ladies NEED management, plain and simple. And this is after getting screened with impeccable references. My references have pointed out that they were rarely contacted by this ladies.
jr4u's Avatar
  • jr4u
  • 01-24-2011, 11:06 PM
Ze..lol. Chill!! I don't like managed girls at all! I like smart intelligent women that manage themselves!

Independent providers rule.

Freakin red heels!
I don't care if they're managed or not. Natasha Fame and Piper Posh have had a scheduler for years and I doubt they've been abused (not sure if Natasha's presently using one). Some of the ladies could use the managing to smooth out their schedules.
As long as I never see a manager, "out of site, out of mind."
No,.... it is a blatant ad...

If she REALLY wanted a discussion on management she wouldn't have thrown in a picture of herself. Originally Posted by ~Ze~

you ever considered a high fiber breakfast cereal?

or maybe you just need a few hours of monkmonk's attitude adjustment therapy.

And a big welcome back to Mr. Pie, keep it on the hard part buddy.