The Simple Pleasure of Being a Man

I believe that most men, myself included, are simple creatures. This week, in my travels, two unexpected pleasant interactions reminded of just how simple I am...

On board a flight, I helped a rather attractive lass sitting across the aisle from me stow her bag overhead, and later in the flight loaned her a phone charger. She smiled at me a few times, and as we deplaned she touched my arm, said thank you and handed me her business card. Hell, I could have melted right there. (My mind raced with the possibilities, although the reality is that she was simply being kind.) A simple exchange that kept me smiling all day.

The next morning, I rode down the hotel elevator with a young couple. He was headed to work, she was headed to the lobby for coffee. She was lithe, and quite attractive even in her freshly wakened state. The loose fitting tank top she had on was a clear indicator she was braless. My mind wandered as we exited the elevator and went our separate ways.

A few moments later, after I checked out and headed to the coffee bar, I looked up from my iPhone, I realized I was standing next to her in line. As she reached to retrieve her beverage from the barrista, the arm hole opened on her tank top to reveal a lovely A cup breast and absolutely perfect nipple. She caught me looking, and casually smiled a knowing smile! Again, my day was made!

Am I the only fool who enjoys these simple interactions with the fairer sex?
rylstone's Avatar
Nope, they are just too seldom.
Nope, they are just too seldom. Originally Posted by rylstone
Amen to that!

I sure miss the "burn the bra" era, where those random glimpses of bare breasts and perky nipples were much more frequent!
mrredcat43's Avatar
In the off chance when it did happen, I'm always in a position where I can't do a damn thing about it
Chung Tran's Avatar
that's great.. hard-working man leaves the elevator to go and support his woman, and you can't wait to feast your eyes on her jewels.. I hope you feel good about that.

I kid.. hahahahaha.

I was watching "Mahogany" last night on the movie channel.. Diana Ross was an A cup then, 1975.. plenty of braless outfits, but the editors grayed out her nipples in the scene near the end, when Ross quickly removes her bathrobe.

speaking of Diana Ross, I highly recommend the live in Central Park DVD, she wears a body-hugging sequin outfit during a couple of songs.. looks stunning.
billw1032's Avatar
A few weeks ago I was in the valet line at a local hotel headed to a business meeting. A tall, very attractive 30-something blond wearing a classy white pant suit got out of the car in front of me. Her top was not quite sheer and transparent, but enough so that you could tell she was braless and very nicely shaped. Oh, and she was driving a Maserati! Unfortunately the valet was agonizingly slow getting me a ticket and taking my key, so by the time I got inside I couldn't tell which way she went.
DFWdude4fun's Avatar
I appreciate those moments too. My problem is I always think they're flirting with me and when I get the courage to speak with them (offer to buy a drink, ask them out) I get turned down. That ends up spoiling the moment and is really depressing. I should just enjoy them and let it go.
rexdutchman's Avatar
we all like it , just saying - I had a waitress all over me once 6 months ago, the only issue was the SO my luck
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Held a door for a young woman at he bank today. This was in Fort Worth, so she wasn't that hot, but she was doable. And she smiled at me and said, "Thank you." My day can't get any better.
Chung Tran's Avatar
This was in Fort Worth, so she wasn't that hot Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
what's that supposed to mean? am I to take the term "Cowtown" literally?

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
what's that supposed to mean? am I to take the term "Cowtown" literally?

Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I'll put it like this: There's not much to the the list-your-Tarrant-County-must-sees thread in the TCLR, and there aren't mant Fort Worth names therein. I can' recall the last time I saw someone, pro or civvie, over here I actually would have wanted to see BCD.
mtabsw's Avatar
I'll put it like this: There's not much to the the list-your-Tarrant-County-must-sees thread in the TCLR, and there aren't mant Fort Worth names therein. I can' recall the last time I saw someone, pro or civvie, over here I actually would have wanted to see BCD. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
You should get out more. I stopped in the Albertsons @ Jacksboro & 820 at 9 this morning - there was a milf in short shorts, a crop top and cowboy boots - hotter than hell.

I'd fuck her and let you make a video for my wife.
TexasChiliDog's Avatar
[QUOTE=Sir Lancehernot;1058540444]. This was in Fort Worth, so she wasn't that hot, but she was doable.

I don't really believe that, but it is funny
that's great.. hard-working man leaves the elevator to go and support his woman, and you can't wait to feast your eyes on her jewels.. I hope you feel good about that.

I kid.. hahahahaha. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Chung, ha! I feel GREAT about that. Who ever came up with the expression "You shouldn't walk on another man's lawn." was full of shit!
micktoz's Avatar
So many innocent interactions that can brighten the day. It's all about attitude.