OK, who Would you like to see run for President in 2012?

greymouse's Avatar
Like a lot of people I am disappointed in the lack of guts President Obama has displayed in his failing to stand up to the amazing and disgusting obstructionism the Republican minority has displayed to his highly tentative efforts to undo Some of the harm done by the Worst President Ever. The country clearly needs saving and the most Obama seems likely to do is reduce the rate things are getting worse some what.

So, who would be better to have in the White House, politically possible or not?
Any ideas? Any one at all? The absolute best I have been able to come up with is Robert Gates, the current Secretary of Defense. A 63 year old white guy, a nominal Republican, former head of the CIA. Probably the best Secretary of Defense since the office was created, clearly not an idiot (can an honest man say that about any other prospective Grotesque Old Party candidate?)

There is something reassuring about a former head of the CIA dealing with a former KGB Colonel (Putin) in negotiating away some of the left over lethality from the Cold War. Can anyone really say that the thought of President Palin sitting down with Putin to deal doesn't freeze their blood?

Anybody have any better ideas? I'd suggest Steve Jobs for CEO but his health is a bit iffy, besides I want the flow of toys from his company to continue. I would also like to see someone pull the national control column back to pull us out of this steep dive that the Rove-Cheney Administration set into the autopilot.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually I want to see Barry O stay in there. There are lots of great Americans who the public would follow but without a background in government theae folks would fare no better than Carter. Or Bill Clements did here in Texas. Gotta be able to make things happen and total outsiders juat can't make Washington work.
thegj's Avatar
  • thegj
  • 05-21-2011, 08:55 PM
Gates is an interesting thought- he is an independent minded no nonsense type of leader. No one knows much about his views on social issues and that might be a good thing. As an about to retire boomer I hope some one will deal realistically with the long term problems tht we face. I hate the thought of my limited hobby funds of the future( and of my limited hobby functioning even more) but I don't want my debt on the backs of my children and their friends.
Buck Futter's Avatar
The GOP needs a Hispanic candidate in order to win as I had mentioned. I recommend Cheech Marin.
  • E2
  • 05-23-2011, 09:57 AM
Warren Buffett CEO, Berkshire Hathaway

Larry Fink CEO, BlackRock Financial

Jeffrey Immelt CEO, General Electric

Terry Leahy CEO Tesco
President, smezident, we need to fire every god dam Congressman!!!!!!!!
get rid of all those fukers and vote some new ones in .

that is what needs to be done to fix this country!!!
Monk Rasputin's Avatar
politically possible or not? Originally Posted by greymouse
Any ideas? Any one at all? Originally Posted by greymouse
Anyone, you say? I want Jeb Bartlett back in the West Wing. He’d get things back on track. Plus he would come with his own Billy Carter for local color.*

There is something reassuring about a former head of the CIA dealing with a former KGB Colonel (Putin) in negotiating .... Originally Posted by greymouse
We’ve already had a former CIA head negotiating – George H.W., number 41. Remember that term? Right in the middle of it, Gorbachev was under house arrest and Yeltsin stood down the CPSU conservatives and their Red Army loyalists who were shelling the Soviet White House. The Russian Republic was born.

Where is Jesse Ventura now that we need him?


*I know that one is fantasy and one is reality, I'm just not sure which is which.
rCoder's Avatar
We really ought to be allowed to vote for NOTA*, and if NOTA wins, then the office is left vacant. Hey, NOTA couldn't be any worse than what we've seen...

* NOTA - None Of The Above
greymouse's Avatar
We’ve already had a former CIA head negotiating – George H.W., number 41. Remember that term? Right in the middle of it, Gorbachev was under house arrest and Yeltsin stood down the CPSU conservatives and their Red Army loyalists who were shelling the Soviet White House. The Russian Republic was born. Originally Posted by Monk Rasputin
I like to call #41 "George the Nearly Adequate" to distinguish him from "George the Lesser". Wouldn't you like to go back to the era of the Clinton Prosperity when the national unemployment rate was below 4 percent and try the next decade again? Maybe hanging onto the 1.6 Trillion budget Surplus this time and skipping one or both of the Land Wars in Asia? Perhaps taking the warnings about that bunch of Saudi extremists a little more seriously this time?

It doesn't necessarily follow that Someone Else would have prevented the housing bubble from inflating to the bursting point or prevented the widespread mortgage loan fraud but perhaps even if things busted on the same schedule Someone Else might have wiped out the stockholders and bond holders of the banks and quasi-banks that were too big to fail as the price of preventing their collapse and run them so that credit to the nation did not dry up as it did and send employment past 10 percent.

George H. W. was the man in the White House when the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START I) was signed. According to Wikipedia that "resulted in the removal of about 80 percent of all strategic nuclear weapons then in existence". Still plenty to kill everyone around here but maybe not enough to sterilize the surface of the planet. It was probably worth doing. The START II negotiations are one of the things that are being delayed by the extended temper tantrum in Washington.

I do blame George the Nearly Adequate for failing to finish Gulf War I by going to Bagdad when he had moral authority and the world's opinion on his side. But mostly I blame him for failing to discourage George W from going into politics.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I like to call #41 "George the Nearly Adequate" to distinguish him from "George the Lesser". Wouldn't you like to go back to the era of the Clinton Prosperity when the national unemployment rate was below 4 percent and try the next decade again? Maybe hanging onto the 1.6 Trillion budget Surplus this time and skipping one or both of the Land Wars in Asia? Perhaps taking the warnings about that bunch of Saudi extremists a little more seriously this time?

It doesn't necessarily follow that Someone Else would have prevented the housing bubble from inflating to the bursting point or prevented the widespread mortgage loan fraud but perhaps even if things busted on the same schedule Someone Else might have wiped out the stockholders and bond holders of the banks and quasi-banks that were too big to fail as the price of preventing their collapse and run them so that credit to the nation did not dry up as it did and send employment past 10 percent.

George H. W. was the man in the White House when the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START I) was signed. According to Wikipedia that "resulted in the removal of about 80 percent of all strategic nuclear weapons then in existence". Still plenty to kill everyone around here but maybe not enough to sterilize the surface of the planet. It was probably worth doing. The START II negotiations are one of the things that are being delayed by the extended temper tantrum in Washington.

I do blame George the Nearly Adequate for failing to finish Gulf War I by going to Bagdad when he had moral authority and the world's opinion on his side. But mostly I blame him for failing to discourage George W from going into politics. Originally Posted by greymouse

Well said brosephus!
KosherCowboy's Avatar
I am thinking of these 3 that 2 will make the ticket. Romney, Bachmann, Pawlenty VS B.Hussein.O/Joe Biden

I'll vote for any of the first three mentioned although under my buddy Hussein ( we are good buddies, back to my Chicago days); pussy has never been such a good deal..

Under Hussein I can get laid for $100 and 30 minute sessions are cheap, compared to when the Reds were in office it was one hour minimum and $250-$300 an hour!!! And sometimes MSOG in an hour was unheard of, it was ' until you pop'

Now it's all you can pop in 30 minutes under the fine guidance of the blue team..
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why not have all three against Bin Bama?

Price of cooze may dip even lower! Specially with Bachmann in there!
The only good president the Republicans ever had was Eisenhower, and that's because he wasn't a politician and had to be drafted. He could have easily run as a Democrat.

I don't trust any of the billionaires around, particularly Buffett, except possibly for Michael Bloomberg.

Obama is so vulnerable it's not funny. All the Republicans need is one or two midwestern states they didn't get last time and it's done. What they must do though is distance themselves from idiots like Paul Ryan who want to hand Medicare over to greedy corporations....that's a losing idea.

The obvious choice in my opinion would be Patraeus. Draft Patraeus and get rid of Obama fast...please!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
And who will YOU vote for?